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     Andromeda could still remember that day like it was yesterday

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     Andromeda could still remember that day like it was yesterday. She remembers the way the hilt of the dagger felt in her hand. She remembers the way Luke, the boy who she looked up to as a brother, wrapped his hands around her hand on the hilt. She remembers it all.

     She remembers the way he begged her to do it. She remembers the way she sobbed begging him not to make her do it. But who was she to defy fate? Who was she to go against the prophecy?

     The prophecy had stated that " daughter of the moon's cursed blade shall reap..." She was Artemis' one and only daughter. She had to kill one of the people closest to her no matter how much it pained her.

     She remembers the way Luke helped her plunge the blade into his abdomen. She remembers the way his blood spilled out onto her hands. She remembers the way she had to help lay him down on the ground. She remembers the way she had tried to stop the bleeding. She remembers he stopped her. She remembers the way he had grabbed her arm and asked her to promise him something.

And she did.

She promised.

BELIEVER » Jason Grace Where stories live. Discover now