18 | Lucky & Beautiful

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   "Coco, you fuckin' high? What's takin' you so long to open a door?" Tilly shouted, and I jumped away from Jared as I fully opened the door.

   My roommate was sitting in front of her desk as she studied, her back to me. But her head was twisted, almost unnaturally as she watched me stroll inside.

   The second she began to smirk slyly, I knew she caught a glimpse of Jared behind me. "Well, hello mal'chik," she drawled out before her eyes landed on me again. "Roomie, you didn't tell me we'd have company."

   "Tilly," I hissed, only for her to hear.

   She only laughed, clearly enjoying the torture she's inflicting. "I'll leave you deti alone. Maybe I'll stay at Michelle's." With that, she stood up and packed up her things while Jared got busy behind me, putting the bags on my bed.

   When she was just about done, she slipped next to me and went on her toes, so her mouth was aligned with my ear. "If I'm gonna leave, it better be for a good reason, Coco." She pulled back and tapped my ass. "Get some," she mouthed and winked before grabbing her jacket from behind her desk chair.

   I ignored how my cheeks flushed at her words as I walked her out. But as I inclined my head forward, so I could watch Tilly leaving, she grinned and took backwards steps before humping the air in front of her.

   Without thinking, I flipped her off before sliding back into the room, resting my head on the door as I slowly closed it.

   Taking a few breaths to relax myself, I could hear my bed squeaking from whatever Jared was doing. At this point, I was nervous to see what he was up to.

   So, forcing my muscles to push me away from the door, I whirled on my feet, only to gape at the sight in front of me.

   Jared was sitting now, and I watched as he leaned his back against the wall my bed was pressed against. He reached for the hem of his sweater before tossing it over his head and onto the floor, right next to my feet.

    He saw my expression and smirked, flexing his muscles. "What are you doing?" I swallowed once I managed to close my mouth.

    "Taking off my shirt," he explained longingly with an amused smile. "I wouldn't want it to get dirty, do I?"

   I forced myself not to drop my gaze on his chest, or the faint bruises sprinkled around him. "Jared," I warned.

   "Lucky," he sang, not sparing me a glance as he opened the two bags and displaying its contents on my bed.

   Seeing him in my bed... he looked huge. Especially because the bed itself was a twin, and it appeared as if it could barely fit him. His legs were spread out wide, and I forced myself not to drop my gaze any lower before pressing my lips together.

    "Why are you... What are you doing, Jared?" I crossed my arms, trying to seem tense.

   He easily read through me and widened his smirk before playfully cocking his head to the side. "I just told you. Come on, Lucky. I thought you were smart."

   "You're annoying," I deadpanned.

   He wasn't offended. "And you're being frustrating." He tapped the seat on his right, regarding me with amusement. But eyes told a different story. "Come to me."

   I shook my head, but my body betrayed me when I stepped closer to the edge of the bed."I have to... I'm just gonna change my pants."

   "I'm not complaining." His gaze darkened as they dropped to my joggers.

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