The Final Baseball Game

Start from the beginning

Kenny cups my face in my hands before our lips firmly press together. "I was never a bad kid. I was just a little lost."

"I was also lost, so it was meant to be that we would find each other." I take a step back. "Go smash some out of the park."

His face lights up with a smile, "All for you."

Our group says our goodbyes, and then we part ways for the next however many hours. The cheering squad heading straight to the bleachers where a section has been reserved for us. Then we get as comfortable as possible while we watch the boys warming up on the field. In an hour the game will officially begin.

"I'm sorry about Stan," Wendy shakes her head. "All of them should be over what Kenny used to do, but I think they find it too funny that he's actually settled down with a single person. Boys can be such idiots."

I shrug, "I was more bothered by them thinking Kenny held me back so we could have sex in his truck or something. Though I do wish they would let the past rest. We all know that Kenny used to get around, but that's not him anymore. Whether that is because of me or not, he's changed. I'm glad that I get to spend my life with the Kenny that I know now."

"Even now, those boys will always find something to taunt each other with," she shakes her head.

"Well, then we can just forget about it and focus on this game. I'm sure that they are all just nervous, and some of that nervous energy is causing them to say things that they aren't even thinking through."

"Some of them never think what they are going to say through," Bebe says.

"You're not wrong," Red says.

"Just because they got older doesn't mean they stopped being stupid all the time," Nicole chuckles. "I mean, they are still boys."

We all laugh, feeling all the tension roll away. No longer am I worried about what the boys think. All I care about is spending time with this group of girls that I have come to love and watching some great baseball.

The next hour goes by pretty quickly as we all talk about everything and nothing. Then the national anthem is sung by a local girl, meaning that the game will be underway in about ten minutes. For the first time in this tournament, we are the home team, which means we need to ensure that we are in the lead by the time the top of the ninth ends.

"No reason to hold back today," Wendy looks around at everyone. "Give it all you've got. This is what gets us into the championship game."

"Let them know we are behind them for every single play!" I add.

"Yes!" the rest of the cheer squad shouts.

There's something about watching a baseball game that makes it feel like it is taking forever but is also going by extremely quickly. Stan is on fire for the first five innings, only giving up two runs because of lucky homeruns. The boys are able to respond when they are up to bat, though. In those innings, we are able to get six run, which is impressive with how talented the opponents pitcher is. Regardless, our boys have been working harder than ever since school let out.

In the sixth inning, it is clear that Stan is getting tired, but he only gives up two more runs before he can close out the inning. The game goes into the seventh inning with us up six to four, but the mound has to be given to Token, who unfortunately gives up another two runs for the game to be tied up.

The seventh inning stretch comes and goes, and then we are back up to bat. We are only able to get another run, but that is all we have to be ahead in order to win. Token is able to get us through the eighth inning without the score changing, but their cleanup pitcher is able to the same for us. It only gets worse when they are able to get two more runs in the top of the ninth, meaning we are now down by one with only one more up to bat left.

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