4 | Lucky & Pissed

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I shook my head. "I don't read, but I envy you. I wish I could sit and read a book, but I don't have that attention span."

"I get that," he nodded, his expression showing no judgment. "I wasn't into reading until later on in high school. My friend roped me into it. It's also why I major in Sociology."

My chest began to fill with warmth. "My friend tried to do the same. She was a hopeless romantic. I'm more of a movie person, though." All the happy feelings dropped into a bottomless pit, because she wasn't here anymore.

Some books were pussy, but you know how I love my p—

"I have a question," I blurted, stopping my thoughts but probably looking weird in the process when my eyes met Armando's dark ones.

When I didn't continue, he cocked his head. "What's up?"

After forcibly shoving away my hesitance, I swallowed and slowly closed the laptop in front of me. "Do you know Jared? I mean, you obvious do because you're on the same team but—"

His laughter cut me off. "You know, I would really think you were a groupie now, asking about one of my team members. But I can't."

My brows furrowed, confused. "What do you mean?"

For a few seconds, his eyes lingered around my face before answering. "Jared. I mentioned your name a few days back and he kinda went off. Well, his version of going off is different then other peoples."

I was still confused. "Huh?"

An awkward laugh left him, and probably to keep himself busy, he stood up from the chair and twisted it, so he was sitting properly. When his eyes met mine again, he forced a smile. "I mentioned if any of them knew you, and Jared basically warned the whole team not to fuck around with you."

My lips parted in surprise. "Oh." Even though Jared and I maintained conversation when we saw each other, ever since the diner, we didn't really make an effort to see each other.

But I also remembered how Adrianna would describe her brother. "He's stubborn, but protective as hell. It's annoying sometimes."

Some people could say I was avoiding him. I would say I don't care.

And why are you avoiding my brother, Clove? If he hurts himself, I'm gonna blame you for that too.

"How do you guys know each other?" Armando suddenly asked. I lifted my gaze and met his, where he then awkwardly smiled. "I mean, he knew your name and all..."

"We went to school together," I explained vaguely, but wanting to change direction, I cleared my throat. "What about you? Are you guys friends outside of football?"

His cheeks flushed. "We're roommates. Well, us and some other guys. But I don't know if he sees me as that good of a friend. He's... closed off."

Memories swarmed from when I last saw Jared senior year—at Adrianna's funeral. He didn't speak to anyone and stayed at the back, hands clasped together.

I also remember trying to talk to him, only for him to escape the room the second the funeral ended.

"Don't take it personally," I smiled sadly. "He's been through some things."

He nodded quickly and straightened. "No, no. I don't doubt it. But I've known the guy since last September. I'd think, you know, he'd open up a bit."

Last September? The accident was in February, what would be his reason for being closed off? When he visited during his break, he seemed fine.

Just because someone looks fine, doesn't mean they are, Clove.

Lucky For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora