The Avengers

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"Clint you can't just shoot someone and then abduct them!" A commanding feminine voice was the first thing Athena heard when she woke up. 

"Oh gimme a break, she looked almost dead, like she'd been living on the street. I'm sorry Tony but I didn't know where else to take her." Athena shot up when she heard the blond man- Clint. 

"Look, she's awake! try not to shoot her again will ya?" another voice joined them. 

"Who are-argh" Athena groaned, in front of her were four people- a red head woman (probably the one who Athena heard first), a short brown haired man with a weird beard, the blond man Athena had encountered and another blond man, more muscled though. 

"Hey, it's okay. I'll apologise on Clint's behalf, he was just scared though. Not just anyone can take down a trained assassin" the red haired woman said. 

"Assassin? Am I back at HYDRA?" Athena became panicked, she fell of the bed and onto the floor. 

"No, no, no, kid, take it easy, this isn't HYDRA. This is Stark tower, or fine.... Avengers tower, whatever" The brown haired man said. 

"You're Tony Stark!" Athena stood up. Tony grinned. 

"That I am" he said. 

"And wait- holy shi- you're the avengers!" Athena's face cracked into a wide smile. The only ones missing however were- Thor and Hulk. 

"That's what everyone's calling us" Steve- Captain America- the guy Bucky doesn't not love spoke up. 

"WOW!" Athena yelled, but her knees suddenly gave out and she fell to the floor.

"Hey, take it easy kid" Natasha- the red head lifted her up easily. 

"Why were you so afraid of HYDRA?" Clint asked suddenly. 

"Hello to you too" Athena said sarcastically, "I escaped from a HYDRA facility a while back"

"Geez kid" Tony looked at her sympathetically.

It reminded her too much of Bucky, and thinking about Bucky was painful enough as it was.

"My name is Athena" She said, a little less enthusiastically than before.

"Athena.. like project Athena?" Natasha asked, then looking at the others she continued, "Project Athena was supposed to combine the brains and strength of HYDRA's most capable people, and create the supposed 'perfect' soldier. It was started in 2000 but with no results, it was stopped" 

"Well, no. Not really, I was born in 2001

"Hold up Athena, so whose the brainy parent? Wait is it me? God I hope it isn't me" Tony mumbled which made Athena laugh. 

"Call me Nina- no, wait call me Thena, and my mom was the brains... I think she died a while back- Janice Starr, does the name ring a bell?" Athena was going to ask them to call her Nina, but that name was reserved for Bucky. 

"Do we know Janice Sta- of course, who doesn't?" Tony then started talking to himself while pacing. 

"And your dad?" Steve asked. 

"The Winter Soldier" Athena said, barely suppressing her smile. Natasha took in a sudden breath. 

"I know him, not many know he exists. Credited with two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years" Natasha paused, " Five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot at my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. I was covering my engineer, so he shot him straight through me."

Now all the adults were looking at Athena as though she'd start murdering them next. 

"That's not my real dad, I mean he is. But the Winter Soldier isn't him, HYDRA mind control's him. They say a bunch of words in Russian, I can't speak though, and then he becomes a totally different person. He doesn't even remember me most of the times, it's awful and painful, he never wants to do any of it. But HYDRA and their scientists force him" Athena defended Bucky. 

"Okay..." Steve raised his hands in surrender.

Athena couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing. This was Steve, the only connection left with Bucky, since he'd probably be dead by now for helping her escape or just tortured a lot.

"Why is she laughing?" Tony looked at Natasha who shrugged. "I swear Barton if you arrow did something to her I'll kill you" 

"No it's not that" Athena stopped, she was only smiling now. Then in her best imitation of the big blond, she said-" I can do this all day"

Steve's eyes widened, his mouth opened and closed numerous times. Athena laughed again, while the rest just looked at the exchange in confusion. 

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back" Athena said looking to her right, then she face the other way... acting as a whole other person she said- "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you"

"How? but? Buc- I- That was-" Steve stumbled over his words. 

"Rogers, you okay?" Tony furrowed his eyebrows. 

"I'm with you till the end of the line, pal" Athena sprouted another line she had heard in Bucky's stories. 

"My dad is Bucky Barnes by the way" she said nonchalantly. 

"Bucky?" Steve asked.

"Boy do we have a lot to talk about" Athena grinned at Steve. 

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