Setting Up the Office

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"That's not why he fell in love with you though," Karen smiles. "After you dropped him off after that first day in South Park, he gushed about how cute you were. How you stood up for yourself and didn't let him treat you like all the other people he has been attracted to in his life. He didn't know if you would ever remember your time here all those years ago, but he was hoping that you would fall for him as fast as he was falling for you. I mean, your smile really sold it for him."

"Thank you for telling me that, pumpkin," I open a box that holds all my art supplies. "I feel for his smile and beautiful eyes that first day. As much as I tried to hold him off, I knew that it was only a matter of time."

"And now you have an apartment together," Red giggles. "It was all perfect in the end."

"More perfect than I could have ever imagined."

"What about Tweek? How is he doing?" Ashlyn asks. "Posters, we need posters," she mumbles as she looks at the bare walls.

"Posters would be nice," Red nods.

"Tweekers is finally being able to live life," I answer. "He no longer has to live in fear of his parents, and with the coffee shop being all his, he can do whatever makes him happier there. I think he wants to get an apartment with a couple of the other boys, not sure if that includes Craig. Either way, I don't think he'll stay here for that long. He just needs time to unwind, and then he can move onto his next task for life."

"It is sweet that you let him stay here."

"Well, he's like one of my best friends, and I want him to be happy."

"We are still looking forward to sleepovers," Karen giggles. "The living room is perfect for them."

"Oh, don't worry, I still plan to host some sleepovers, but I need a bit more time figuring out this space for myself. I want to live in it for a little bit before I start inviting people over for long periods of time. Kenny and I don't even have everything unpacked yet. He still has the bookshelves to make as well."

"Have you thought about pets?" Red asks.

"Oh, no, I haven't," I help her mover her desk in front of the other window. "This place does allow pets, but I don't think Kenny and I have really talked about pets before."

"He loves cats," Karen says.

"I've heard the stories," I chuckle. "It would be nice to have a couple cats around here. There is the shelter in town that probably has some cats that need some love. I'll have to remember to talk to Kenny about this when he gets back."

"You two really don't have many plans of what you want to do now that you've moved in together, do you?" Ashlyn asks.

"Moving in together was the biggest challenge and change in our lives that could have happened, so I think not having a plan at this point is okay. We want to enjoy being with each other, and then we can figure out what to do. There's plenty of time to do everything."

"What have you been doing?"

"He makes us breakfast in the morning while I make the drinks in the Keurig. We've played video games together, made meals together, and started to get this apartment to look like our home. It hasn't been that long since we moved in together, so we haven't done that much. Sleep in the same bed each night is something that I am happy to be getting used to. We started watching some animated shows together. That's really it," I shrug. "Well, that isn't true, but I really don't need to talk about what we do behind closed doors, okay?"

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