"My name is Ophely and I am seventeen years old, I am a student in my last year of High School in France.'' She introduced herself before continuing on. "Is that enough or do you want more?" What was worse – waking up next to someone who slept with you, or the body you were occupying? Or having to live with I don't know how many guys you didn't know or could communicate with? Ophely didn't really have an answer to her own question, this was bad enough for her, she hoped they didn't have anything else to add to the growing pile of pains to live with.

     "Sebenteen?!?" One of the Korean boys asked her loudly, interrupting her in her thoughts.

"Yes, I am seventeen years old." But he didn't seem to understand what she meant as he quickly stood up and gestured with his hands towards the group of guys sitting down around her. Joshua hand put his hand up and had opened his mouth to interject but the other man was too fast and had continued his active rant.

     "We are Sebenteen, you know Sebenteen?" Perplexed and unsure of what he said, Ophely scrunched her eyebrows, raising one higher than the other.

     "승관!" Joshua finally cut his friend off, "그녀는 열일곱 살이고 우리가 누구인지 모릅니다."("Seungkwan!" "She is seventeen years old, and she doesn't know who we are.")

     "오." The first boy managed to say, before sitting down, his mouth agape and wide open as he was taking the information in. ("Oh.")

     "그리고 그녀는 프랑스의 고등학교에 있다고 말했습니다.""("And she said that she is in High School in France.")

     Silence followed the statement made by the calm boy, Jeonghan wasn't Jeonghan, that was sure, and instead of him was a high school girl. The information seemed to be quite controversial, in fact and reality. Since when did two people swap bodies in real life? That only happened in stories where magical and/or supernatural things happened.

     "Now it's your turn, whoever the thirteen of you are. And what is Seventeen?" Ophely didn't like to be kept in the dark, they now knew who she was, if the boy had actually translated what she had said, and none of them had said anything (except that little outburst by the rosy cheeked boy).

     "To put it simply," The boy that had woken her up said, "We are part of a boy band called Seventeen. My name is Vernon."

     "And I am Joshua, as you already know. This is Seungkwan." He said while pointing at the boy that had stood up before moving on to the next boy, his hand following the names. "This is Wonwoo, Mingyu, Seungcheol, Dino, Jihoon and Soonyoung but you can call him Hoshi." Then Vernon took over the introduction, already seven new names and Ophely was lost, but she said nothing and followed each person with her eyes, nodding at each of them to show her acknowledgement.

     "We have Junhui, Minghao and Dokyeom. I have no idea if you memorized who we are, but you will have to get used to all of us."

     "Well you all know how that's going to take a long time to sink in." Ophely managed to say to break the tension filled silence, it wasn't the best thing to say but she had no idea what else she could have said at that moment. "Do you guys eat breakfast in the morning?" She asked the two boys whom she knew spoke English well enough to answer her.

      "We usually do when we have work, but otherwise it depends on the person you're asking. And I have no idea what kind of breakfast you mean too."

      "Simple drink, like juice or hot chocolate, with a little something to eat. It depends on me too. I don't often get much, just something to satisfy my stomach."

      "우리는 아침을 지금 먹을 수 있습니다." Jisoo said to the others, "원하는 것을 준비하거나 휴식을 취하십시오." ("We can eat breakfast, boys." "Get whatever you want ready, or go back to rest.")

The Reason? - Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now