2. Saving Damsels in Distress is My Job

Start from the beginning

Just then a high-pitched voice called from down the hall. "Griffin!"

"After all," I continued with a smirk. "Looks like you have company, and I wouldn't want to waste anymore of your time." Which was a lie. I didn't want him to waste anymore of my time.

"Why wouldn't it matter?" he spoke up again, ignoring the girl coming his way. "What am I supposed to call you?"

With any luck, you want talk to me again, so I'd say nothing! But of course because my brother has horrible timing, as soon as he saw me after coming down the hallway, he yelled my name for all of Andover High, including Griffin, to hear, "HALEY!"

The call unmistakenly directed at me, Griffin smirked. "Haley, is it?"

By this time, the girl that had called after Griffin came up to him with batted eyes. "Grif-Grif!" she cooed in a disgustingly sweet, flirty tone of voice. "Ready to walk me to my first class?"

I mentally barfed. Grif-Grif? This girl has got to be kidding herself.

"Yeah sure," he smiled before turning to me with another smirk and a wink. "Bye Haley."

I rolled my eyes as I turned around the same time Dustin approached me.

"Hey, you find your locker yet?" he asked.

"Do you realize what you've done?" I grunted.

"Um...asked you about your locker?" he looked at me confused.

"You yelled my name for the whole school, more importantly for that Griffin guy, to hear. The last thing I need is more guys in my life Dustin."

"Haley, he goes to your school," he smirked. "Odds are he was gonna find out your name some way or another."

I stared at him as he failed to see my point. Sighing, he gave in.

"Alright, I know. And I'm sorry."

"No, I guess you're right. It probably wouldn't have mattered. But yeah I already found my locker."

"Sweet, can you help me find mine? I feel like I've been looking for ages and I can't seem to find it."

"Fine," I smirked. "What's your number?"


By the time lunchtime came around, Dustin somehow already made a few friends and was eating with them. They offered for me to join, but sitting at a table with mostly guys didn't sound to appealing (with the exception of my brother).

I'd honestly rather sit alone than risk having my parents know more people to potentially set me up with.

I sighed as I sat down at an empty table. Sometimes I wondered why mom and dad never did this to Dustin...though not that I'd ever wish this on him.

I tried to get my mind of guys and everything as I started to eat my lunch. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the cafeteria food as I began eating, at least compared to my other school. Unfortunately, my thoughts didn't stay distracted for very long as the one and only Griffin appeared at my table.

"What's Miss Independent doing eating by herself?" he asked as he slid into his seat. "Not that I can say I'm all that surprised." I took this time to really notice his appearance.

He had dark brown hair, casually messy; he wore a normal pair of kahki shorts with an A Day To Remember band tee. He always seemed to hold this devilish gleam in his eye paired with a cocky smirk on his face. Judging by the way everyone seemed to love him (especially the girls) I could easily guess he was a player - aka, not my type. Over all he looked like any typical bad boy any parent would want their kids to stay away from...maybe he was just what I needed, even if he definitely wasn't what I wanted.

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