6. Not 'Friends,' Just Friends

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A/N - picture of Haley to the side!


We ducked our way around the house and a couple houses down the street until we made it to Griffin’s car, unnoticed. Getting inside, he started the car as we drove off.

“So what if they see you’re gone?” Griffin asked, sparing me a quick glance before returning his attention to the road.

I shrugged. “They probably won’t. My mom’s usually so focused on cooking from now until dinner and my dad won’t get home from work until around then. During this time I’m usually in my room anyway, so I’d say we have a couple hours before they’d start to get suspicious.”

“What about Dustin?”

“Na, he’s got my back,” I brushed off the concern.  “I texted him to cover for me. He’d never turn me in to mom and dad unless he thought I was in serious trouble.”

“Well then, looks like we’re gonna have some good-old unsupervised fun,” he grinned as he turned on the radio and sped up. I gave a cheer as we sped down the highway with Tonight Alive filling our ears.


We nearly missed nicking a car’s side view mirror as we merged back into the left lane. I clutched my arm rest as fear began to show in  my face.

We had been gone driving for almost an hour now, with the radio blaring the whole way.  I had no idea where we were, all I knew was it felt good to be out. However, as my adrenaline rush subsided, my common sense and a hint of fear kicked in.

“Griffin, slow down,” I spoke nervously, no longer feeling the thrill of sneaking out.

He flashed me a smile, “Don’t worry, I got it all under control.”

“Just don’t kill me,” I squealed meekly as I scrunched my eyes together, digging my nails deeper into the armrest. I heard Griffin chuckle softly as I immediately felt the car start to slow down.

Griffin’s hand gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Hey,” he chuckled again.  “Come on, it’s ok,” he turned to give me a smile as I slowly peered my eyes open and released my death clutch on the seat.

My eyes met his as I exhaled with relief at the dramatic decrease in speed. He held our gaze as I heard a sudden smash of glass and the car began to lose stability.

“Griffin!” I screamed the same time he yelled ‘crap.’

Gripping the wheel firmly, he pulled his foot of the gas. After we lost speed and gained control of his car again, Griffin managed to safely pull over on the side of the highway as it bumpily cruised to a stop..

Opening his door, he got out. Following his lead, and watching out for oncoming traffic on my side, I stepped out of his car and made my way around to see the damage.

“What happened?” I spoke as I scanned the car for any signs of wreckage.

“Tire blowout,” Griffin exhaled in frustration.

“Well you have an extra tire, right?” He shook his head with a sigh as he looked at the bare wheel, trying to figure out what to do. “Whoa whoa whoa, what?” I ask, suddenly feeling alarmed. “You mean we’re stranded in the middle of the highway?”

“Relax,” he exhaled again. “We’re not stranded, there are people all around us-”

“Relax? How can I relax when our only way of getting home in time before my parents kill me for sneaking out is by hitchhiking in some stranger’s car!” I could feel myself begin to hyperventilate. My parents were gonna kill me. They were gonna ground me for life, and then they’re gonna kill me.

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