{5} Game X at X Midnight

Start from the beginning

"Huh? Both of them?" Gon and I ask simultaneously.

"That's your first reaction?" Killua laughs. "You two really are a riot! You're the first people to ever respond seriously."

He takes a seat and Gon and I sit on either side of him. <<<Gon, Killua, Me>>>

"Well you're telling the truth, right?" I ask him.

"What makes you think that?" he questions.

"It's just a hunch."

"That's weird... people only like me because they can't ever tell whether I'm serious or not." He looks out the window. "I'm from a family of assassins, so they're all assassins. My folks see me as an exceptional prospect... but I can't stand it. Who wants to have their whole life planned out for them? When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped! My mother had tears streaming down her face, as she told me I have potential to be a top assassin." He looks back at us. "Horrible parents, right? It's natural their kid would go bad. We ended up fighting. So I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home." He's so calm about the whole thing, like everything he's saying is completely natural. "I'm sure they're out for blood now," he smiles. "But if they find me, I'll send them packing. When I become a Hunter, I'll start capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties..."

I can feel someone watching us. Killua and Gon sense it too because we all turn to look at the same time, just as Chairman Netero is walking up behind us.

"Something wrong?" he questions us.

"Ah, Netero-san... did you see anyone coming from that side?" Gon asks him.

"No," he replies.

"You're pretty fast for an old man," Killua glares at him.

"That little trick? I barely moved," he says chuckling.

"What do you want? You don't have to do anything until the last phase right?" Killua's still glaring at him.

"No need to be so unkind. I got bored, and was looking for some companions. By the way, I meant to ask the three of you... any thoughts on your first attempt at the Hunter Examination?"

"Uh-huh! It's fun!" Gon replies eagerly. "And there haven't been any of the written exams I was dreading."

"Yeah! I'm having fun too. I can't wait to see what we do next," I answer excitedly.

"I'm disappointed..." Killua says. "I expected the exam to be more difficult. I assume the next phase will be more entertaining?"

"Well, now..." Netero-san replies innocently. "I wouldn't know anything about that."

"Let's go," Killua says turning to leave.

"Now wait just a moment." The chairman asks, "Would you care to play a game with me? If you're able to defeat me... I shall let you become Hunters!"


"Now I'll go over the rules of the game," Netero-san explains. "If you can take the ball from me, before the airship reaches its destination, you win. That gives you nine hours. You're free to attack me however you like. I won't touch you."

"Huh? That's too easy. You can't call that a game," Gon's disappointed.

"Why not give it a try first?" Netero-san suggests.

"We just have to take the ball? Then I'll go first." Killua slowly starts walking circles around Netero-san. A bunch of Killuas appear surrounding the chairman and it's hard to tell which one is the real one. He's trying to confuse him. Killua is definitely something.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now