Chapter 51

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Chrystal P.O.V

So after the hospital thing, I've been staying with a friend of mine. Stokeley told me I couldn't go back to my house because of what went down there.

I still can not believe what he did. I have so many questions but I know they won't be answered.

Then on top of that, I find out Jahseh might be my brother. Ew, I dated my brother. I mean we were like 6 but still, that's gross.

Stokeley told me Alexus was staying with him. This is surprising I would've thought Y/n would want her to stay over at her house but I guess not.

"Hey, where you going?" I asked leaving the kitchen on my way upstairs.

"Y/n's for dinner you wanna come?" He asked putting on his shoes. I haven't seen them in a while

I do want to see Jah so we can talk but Stokeley told me about Jocelyn so it wouldn't be a good time. I would just make everything awkward.

"Nope but bring me back some food," I said going upstairs texting my boyfriend to see if he wanted to hang out.

"Nah there's food in the refrigerator." He walked out of the house. I rolled my eyes there is no food in there I mean snacks yeah but meals no.

I got a text from him saying I better not have any niggas in his house.

My boyfriend texted me back saying he's on his way. I told him that I'd meet him at a restaurant instead.

I jogged upstairs to my room. I called my best friend while I dug in my closet for something to wear.

Deena: What you want

Chrystal: Well damn excuse me

She rolled her eyes.

Chrystal: Bestie

Deena: What Chrystal

She said with an attitude.

Chrystal: First of all change the 'tude. Second help me pick an outfit.

Deena: Where you goin?

Chrystal: Out

Deena: With?

Chrystal: ...

I was looking at myself in the mirror trying to ignore her.

Deena: It better not be who I think it is

I didn't respond already knowing what she was going to say.

Deena: Chrystal I know you hear me talkin to you

I huffed givin up on trying to change the topic.

Chrystal: Quay

Deena: What the fuck are you serious?!

Deena stopped what she was doing and stared at the phone screen. Quan and I have been off and on for a year. It's because he feels the need to "uphold an image for his career" and that doesn't include an exclusive relationship.

Chrystal: What?

I said innocently I do not feel like hearing the yelling and stuff. I know what might happen with me and him but I don't know he makes me happy when we're together.

Deena: know what do you.

Chrystal: You think this top goes well with these pants?

I asked adjusting the phone to show my full body.

Deena: Try the other one

I change tops and show her. She looks at me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

Deena: Yeah that works, what kinda shoes?

I nodded showing her the shoes.

Deena: You might want to put some lotion on ya feet they looking a bit powdery.

I rolled my eyes as I take the phone and walk to my bed.

Chrystal: Shutup, look I'll text you later

Deena: okay love you

Chrystal: love you too

I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. I looked at my feet and seen that she was right.

After I lotioned my feet again and put my socks and shoes on. Quan texted me that he was there and was gonna order.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my car keys and headed out.

I Found YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora