Chapter 5: Meeting President Snow's granddaughter

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*At the ice skating rink in the tribute center building where all 24 tributes were staying at for now*
~Third Person's POV~
One morning at 7:46am Cato and Cassie were in the ice skating rink placing their skates on and planning their next routine as a pair and for Cassie for her individual routine when a peacekeeper came in the room telling them both that President Snow and his granddaughter would be stopping by in an hour so they both had to start skating soon. But after that announcement Cassie got on the ice and started planning their routine while Cato was doing some warm ups on the ice.
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~Cassiopeia Gambon's POV~

I was excused from training for this morning since Beatrice and Finnick told me that I have to meet with Snow and his granddaughter today with Cato joining me but later after lunch he and I are having a one on one with our instructors in the train...

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I was excused from training for this morning since Beatrice and Finnick told me that I have to meet with Snow and his granddaughter today with Cato joining me but later after lunch he and I are having a one on one with our instructors in the training center then a peacekeeper came in the room telling them both that President Snow and his granddaughter would be stopping by in an hour so they both had to start skating soon. But after that announcement I had got onto the ice and started planning our routine while Cato was doing some warm ups on the ice which was good for him I'm doing some right now.
"I'm gonna get started on my skate routine Cato you should do the same thing," I said as I took my place in the middle while Cato gave me space to work with so we both don't clash.
I just hope that we can both pull this through....
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~Cato Hadley's POV~
While Cassie and I were skating doing our individual routines before Snow and his granddaughter came for a visit we don't really know why we were called here for but I'm enjoying on spending my time with Cassie while I still can don't know what I'd do if I lost her in the games but right now we were separated doing our routines when she spoke "I'm gonna get started on my skate routine Cato you should do the same thing," Cassie said smiling as she took her  place in the middle while I gave her space to work with so we both don't clash.
(Claps claps)
Cassie and I both stop to see that the music ended and we saw Snow standing outside the rink with his granddaughter standing on the stands wearing a blouse and a skirt with tights and boots her hair was braided like the girl from 12 when President Snow spoke "That was lovely you two how about show us your pair routine my granddaughter Celestia is dying to see it," Cassie looked at Celestia smiling before she spoke "We'd be honored to show you Celestia our pair routine," (this girl is gonna be the death of me) as we took our spots on the ice.
Let's get this done and over with already....
~Third Person's POV~
The time had come for them to show President Snow and his granddaughter Celestia what they have been working on before the two of them showed up Celestia was standing on the stands watching her favorite ice skater doing a routine for her to watch in person, on the ice Cassie saw the happiness on his granddaughter's face as Snow watched on deciding how he was gonna save these two in the arena. But luckily Cassie had a perfect song to go with the performance for Celestia and President Snow himself.
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*skip 5 minutes later when the performance finished as President Snow and his granddaughter happy*
~Celestia Snow's POV~

*skip 5 minutes later when the performance finished as President Snow and his granddaughter happy* ~Celestia Snow's POV~

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That was so beautiful how graceful they both were.... I walked down the steps of the stands walking where Cassie and Cato walked out of the rink to take off their ice skates while my grandfather spoke "That was magnificent you two I have a feeling that you'll both make it big in the Capitol but for now let me introduce you to my granddaughter," as I looked at them both and spoke "It's an honor to meet you both," just as Cassie smiled giving something she placed it in my hand when I opened it up there in my hand sat a white pearl shining it was a ring with a crest of the Capitol outside of the ring.
I do wanna become an ice skater someday like Cassiopeia is right now....
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"The honor is all ours Miss Celestia I hope you enjoyed our routine we prepared for you," Cato said to me as Cassie and him were now wearing regular shoes and placing the covers back onto the skates as we 4 walked out the door together so they can return their skates back for the day.
This has been a very great morning after having breakfast....
~Cassiopeia Gambon's POV~

I had smiled at Celestia before giving her something which I placed it in her hand when Cato and I walked ahead to give our skates back while Celestia opened up there in her hand sat a beautiful white pearl shining it was a ring with a crest of th...

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I had smiled at Celestia before giving her something which I placed it in her hand when Cato and I walked ahead to give our skates back while Celestia opened up there in her hand sat a beautiful white pearl shining it was a ring with a crest of the Capitol outside of the ring and a message on the inside of her ring it says "Don't be afraid of being what you wanna be," then we 4 parted ways so Cato and I can have lunch and get some training done for the day.
"Let's get to the training center beautiful we've missed a lot already," Cato said grabbing my hand as we ran to an elevator and took it to the training center floor (this should be a fun day with training since were all gonna die except for one) but I must admit I wanna spend time with Cato before then.
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*End of Chapter 5: Meeting President Snow's granddaughter*
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