Chapter 3

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        The next two days went by painfully slow. The unnerving anticipation of finding my mate, but having absolutely no idea when it would happen was driving me crazy. I might have even believed the first time I found the scent was just something from my imagination, if it was for the other dozen or so times I caught the scent the past few days. Clayton has had to pacify me so often recently that he seemed to have taken it upon himself to not let me out of his sight. There were only four more days of the gathering left, and the last day was only ceremonies so it didn't really count. Some time in the next three days I was going to meet her and this fact was driving me insane. For the first time I could completely understand how wolves could become raging maniacs when it came to their mates. At times it felt like I had completely lost the ability to think, instead I would simply just act purely off instinct. Hell I even growled at my alpha, ME! The bottom of the pack, showed aggression towards an alpah! Even he was so stunned by the act it took him a few seconds to process it.        

        I arrived early to my second group activity for the day, sparring as wolves. As I entered the gymnasium I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach. Of course I would be put in the same group as Daryn for this particular activity. Only I could possible have this bad of luck. As if on que he spotted me, "Oh man, this day just got so much better. Its my favorite sparrying buddy." he said with a evil grin on his face. This was soooo not going to be fun. A few minutes later the instructor showed up. "Looks like mostly everyone is here, lets go ahead and begin. Who wants to go first?" he asked. I don't think I've ever seen Daryn move so fast, "I'll go sir!" he quickly shouted out before anyone had a chance. "Ok, and who do you pick for your sparring partner?". Oh god no. With thee most devilish smile I have ever seen, he slowly turns and points to me. Fuck my life. We were ushered behind separate changing stations they had set up, where we both shifted and then stood across from each other while the instructor read off the rules. Daryn's wolf form was larger than most, standing at roughly four and a half feet tall with light gray fur and piercing yellow eyes. I was actually a few inches bigger than him, standing closer to five feet. I'm mostly black with dark gray and bright blue eyes. Since I was bigger I had the advantage right? Wrong. He was a trained fighter as all alpha's are. I on the other hand had very little fighting experience, which mostly consisted of trying and failing to defend myself from him and his lackeys.

        The rules were simple, no fatal wounds, first one to get the other in a death hold wins. Looking into his eyes I could tell he was going to enjoy this. We started circling, he made a feight dash at me and I lept away with a yelp. Many of the others started laughing, and I could tell Daryn was laughing on the inside too. It was then I realized he had no intention of ending this quickly. He wanted to drag this out for as long as possible and make me miserable. I spent the next serveral minutes getting knocked down and bitten. I was bleeding in several places, and I couldn't put any weight on my right hind leg. He feighted to the right so I tried to make a break for the left. He anticipated this and lunged in that direction. What he didn't anticipate was that I would stop immediately when I put my right hind paw down and the pain shot through my body. Dayrn lunged right past me and I had a golden oppurtunity to strike. I aimed for his rear legs, but I missed and bit him right in the ass. He squealed and tucked his tail between his legs like a cowering pup. This time everyone was roaring with laughter at him. He turned around and I looked him right in the eyes. Play time was over, he wanted blood.

        He charged at me and before I could react, he elbowed me and sent me flying onto my back. An instant later his teeth latched onto my jugular and squeezed. I felt the sharp pain as his teeth punctured my throat. I tried to kick and claw him off me, but it was no use. "Ok that is enough." the instructor said, but Daryn didn't let go, instead he clamped on harder. I could feel myself losing control of my body, losing the will to fight back. The instructor tried to use his dominance to force Daryn to release me, but Daryn was an enraged alpha with the taste of blood in his mouth, he wasn't letting go. My vision was beginning to dim. This was it, I was going to die right here before I even got to find my mate. Just before my vision went completely dark, I felt Daryn's grip being knocked off my throat. I managed to crane my head in the direction Daryn and my savior, who sent him flying, were. All I could see before I passed out were a pair of the most absolutely stunning emerald eyes looking back at me. Mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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The undeserving mate of the blood wolf princessWhere stories live. Discover now