Chapter 1

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        "Now boarding passengers for flight 127 to Denver, Colorado." blared over the PA. That was my que. My heart started racing at the thought that it was finally time to try and find my mate, again. Every year all the alphas from around the world bring their eligible packmates to a selected meeting area for a week in an effort to help more wolves find their mates in hopes of bolstering our faltering population. You had to be 18 and unmated, obviously, to be eligible. You also didn't really have a choice either, if you were eligible, you were going whether you liked it or not, although most people weren't complaining. Except for the people like me. See I'm 20, I've done this twice now and haven't had any luck. It is horribly depressing watching all the newfound couples for a whole week, especially first timers, while you're just sitting there alone at a table in the back corner. There are some who never find their mates, and they go crazy, and i'm not talking crazy like depressed "I hate my life" crazy, I mean murderous rampage crazy. We call them the broken and it always happens around the age of 25, and once they turn there's no going back so they have to be put down. Obviously I am getting a little bit worried .       

        I start making my way over to the line of people waiting to board while looking down to see what seat I was in, when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Hey watch where you're go...Well well well if it isn't Sean, hoping to find your mate eh? Boy do I feel sorry for whoever that might be! Am I right guys!" Daryn asks his little gang of thugs and low lives. They all start laughing and joining in on the insult. Daryn was the alpha's son, and a complete asshole. I ignored him and bent down to pick up my ticket I dropped, but Daryn's foot beat me to it. "Why do you even bother? You will never find a mate, you don't deserve one. You're going to become broken and I'm going to enjoy putting you down." Daryn says with sick pleasure. "Leave him alone Daryn, NOW." Our pack's Alpha, Clayton ordered, his command putting a physical strain on his son. Daryn struggled against it for a moment in defiance, but picked up his foot and left with his gang. I quickly snatched up my ticket. "Thanks," I said meekly. "I promised your parents I would look after you, but I will not be around to control my son forever. You will have to defend yourself one day." he said, resting his hand on my shoulder. I could feel his alpha power resonating through me from his touch, calming me. I nodded while thanking him again and he went back to his spot in line with his mate. 

        How was I suppose to defend myself? Daryn is the son of an alpha, while i'm just a bottom of the pack nobody. Maybe Daryn was right, maybe I didn't deserve a mate. I mean, what could I possibly offer her? I found my seat, sat back and closed my eyes. I really am undeserving of a mate aren't I, and I fell asleep with that thought on my mind. Upon landing in Dever, Clayton got the pack together and split us into two groups. Thankfully he made sure I was not in the same group as Daryn and his groupies. Two black SUVs were waiting outside for us, and before long we were on the road to the White River National Forest, where this years gathering was taking place. This place was absolutely beautiful and much much larger than the forests our pack lived among in Ohio. It was actually about ten times the size of ours. Of course it made sense that they would hold a gathering somewhere like here, with all this room we would easily go unnoticed while we let our primal side run free. On the bright side if I don't find my mate, i'll be sure to enjoy myself in these woods.

        After driving for quite some time, we came to a very large clearing in the middle of the forest. There were serveral buildings here, the center one being the biggest. It was absolutely massive! There were also several satellite buildings surrounding the main center building in a sort of disconnected pentagon. They were not nearly as impressive, but were still far beyond the standards I was accustomed to. Certainly there was nothing quite like this in Ohio. As soon as we arrived we were directed to one of the buildings near the back and then escorted to the rear wing of that building and up to the top floor. We were a smaller less influential pack, so we didn't exactly get the best accomadations, nonetheless it was still far better than we were used too. It was late and there were still a few more packs trickling in to the compound. It was forbidden to leave the wing your pack was assigned on the first night. They wanted to be able to control and contain any chaos that might occur and trust me, when you get a bunch of unmated wolves together, there will be chaos. As I laid there that night, I had a strange feeling in my stomach. The same feeling I had the night before "The Gathering" , as they call it, last year and the year before. It was a nerve wracking thing, to not know whether or not tomorrow would be the day you met your mate, the one you were born for, the one you've been waiting for your entire life.

Author's Note: Hi, there. I'm new to this and to writing novels so if you can leave a comment on what you think so far, should I even bother continuing with this story or any critism, it would be very much appreciated!

The undeserving mate of the blood wolf princessWhere stories live. Discover now