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TW // Mentions of suicide and guns.

Shibuya was a very loud city.

It was loud, messy, annoying, busy, negative; basically every bad descriptive word you could come up with. It was a shit city to rule over.

These exact thoughts raced around Joshua's mind from time to time, reminding him of that time a few months ago when he plotted to blow this place to kingdom come.

But he wouldn't do that... Well maybe he would, but not now at least.

Despite what he told Hanekoma and basically anyone else with memories of the 3 Week Reaper Game, he did miss his little proxy; Neku Sakuraba. It was hard to admit, even to himself, but he really did adore that orange haired emo. That one week together was the most fun he's had in years - even if most of it was a lie and Neku avoided him in fear that Joshua would pull out a gun and kill him right then and there; he was completely justified in that fear however.

The Reaper's Game was about 6 months ago now. Time sure flies by when you have nothing to do but subtly stalk Neku and friends.

Joshua wasn't that bothered with keeping up with the Reaper's Game anymore, he hadn't held another since that day. Mostly because Megumi, his Conductor and man who organised everything was now dead and Sho Minamimoto had long left the city. Hanekoma didn't care much either, he had his café to run and was busy saving Joshua's ass from the Higher p
Plane. Thank Composer for Hanekoma and his status in the Higher Plane or else Joshua would probably have his position taken from him.

These past 6 months allowed Joshua to pick up a relatively new schedule at least. He would visit Hanekoma before school started, follow Neku and watch him attend whatever boring classes the teen had that day, go back to Hanekoma and then watch the sun set atop the 104 building alone. It was boring yes, but it held some comfortableness to it despite it's boredom.

Joshua flipped open his orange flip phone, lavender eyes scanning over the brightly lit phone screen as he red the time. Kust past 6 pm. Neku and his gang would probably be heading home for dinner right about now.

Joshua missed that. The feeling of routine that the Reaper Game allowee him for a short period. Friends to count on to remind you that you're loved. Or even something like a late night text asking to hang out early in the morning, both of you knowing that the time you set is way too early. Joshua really just missed people, and that revelation was something Joshua wasn't that comfortable with. It definitely wasn't people as a whole, but Neku had taught him not to judge Shibuya by a few bad apples; even if those few bad apples are a very large majority. Neku taught Joshua just like Shiki taught Neku, Joshua really should thank Shiki for that sometime. He probably won't though.

Long legs dangled off the 104 tower, Joshua laying on his back as he watched the stars start to speckle in the night sky above him. They didn't appear a lot but when they did they looked absolutely magical. Joshua could spend hours just admiring the natural beauty of his hometown, he tended to do that most nights in fact. He wouldn't choose any other city to judge over than Shibuya, not even Shinjuku could compare.

Joshua soon pushed himself off of the floor however, back beginning to ache from laying down on the stone floor for his too long. Joshua was sat right at the edge of the building, one big gust of wind away from falling to his death. Not that he could fall to his death, he would probably just fly back up to his perch or maybe just not even die from this high of a fall - he was technically still dead if you think about it, and I don't think double death is possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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