~ Chapter nine ~

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She began to think hard about what happened, but she still couldn't remember. She got out of bed and went to shower. A few hours later while she was playing Minecraft, she put two and two together and realized what had happened the night before. She didn't think anything of it, since they had been dating for a while and she knew it was going to happen sooner or later. 

**time skip - one week later**

She was walking home from the coffee shop after going out with Ranboo and a few friends. It was about an hour before she had thought she would be home. Once she finally arrived back home, she realized the door was locked, which she thought was funny since she left it unlocked when she left home, but ignored it and began unlocking the door. After walking in and taking off her shoes, she had noticed a pair of shoes that weren't hers or Dreams. Perhaps he had gotten a new pair of shoes without telling her? No. They looked too small to be his, almost small enough to be a woman's shoe. Who was here? She had no clue, she thought maybe it was Niki or maybe Puffy, but they would have told her they were coming. Every possible situation went through her head. She didn't know if she should just leave, go find out what was going on, or just sit and wait in the living room. After a few minutes, she decided it would be best to find out what was going on. She took a few deep breaths and started walking down the hallway towards the bedroom. She opened the door only to see Dream cheating on her with that girl from the bar. Instantly, she felt the tears running down her face. "Y/N! It's not what it looks like, I swear!" She turned around and stormed out of the room. She quickly threw on some shoes, hopped in her car, and drove off. She drove to the only place she could think of.


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