~ Chapter seven ~

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When Y/N woke up the next morning, she was wrapped up in Dreams' arms. She snuggled into his chest and started to fall back asleep. Her phone rang a few minutes later. She freed herself from his grasp and got out of bed. She grabbed her phone and went into the kitchen to answer it. Once she finally accepted the call she heard a familiar voice, it was Alex. "Hello? Y/N?" "Hi, Ale-" She yawned. "-x." "So you're moving to Florida to live with Dream?" "Yeah. They doubled my rent and I didn't have enough to pay for it." "Awesome! Well, I've gotta go, I'll talk to you later. Bye, Y/N." "Bye, Alex." She hung up the phone call and went back to her room. Dream was still asleep, and he looked cold. She took the blanket that was half on the floor, covered him up and crawled in next to him, and started to drift off to sleep. He woke her up a few hours later. "Goodmorning! We should probably start getting ready to leave, is there anything you want to do first?" She yawned, "Morning, and nope I don't have anything else to do."  "Okay, let's get some breakfast then?" "Sure." She smiled, then got up and went into the bathroom to get ready.  A few hours later, after they got back from breakfast they packed up her things, put them in his car, and started the drive to Florida.

**Time skip to after they get to Dream's house cause i've been struggling to write the car ride for the past two weeks**

After Dream parked his car in the garage, he helped Y/N carry her things inside. He showed her to his room. "Uh, we're going to have to share a room until we can get our own place because my mom is using the guest room as her office." "That's alright! I appreciate you letting me stay with you." "Yeah, no problem!" He had gotten rid of one of his nightstands to make space for her desk and had even made room for her dresser. He helped her unpack her things and get settled in. After they were done she went to go shower, and when she got done Dream was already asleep. She crawled in next to him and drifted off to sleep. When she woke up Dream was gone. He came back in a few minutes later and said "Goodmorning sleepyhead, wanna go get breakfast?" She nodded and put her hair up in a bun. She decided to just go to breakfast in what she was wearing. They ended up going to a cafe, and she ordered an iced coffee and a bagel. After they went back to the house. They decided to play Minecraft together and Dream was going to teach her how to speedrun. 

**Another time skip cause i'm really struggling wit this chapter, so like a month after they moved in. (btw, you're both around 21-22 ish!)

"Y/N! Let's go get drinks tonight!" "Okay, yeah that sounds fun! Let me go get ready." She said getting up to go shower. After her shower, she got dressed, did her hair, and put on some light make-up. Just her usual mascara and eyeliner. About an hour or so after Dream suggested the idea of going out, she walked back into their room and said, "Okay, I'm ready!" They got in the car and started driving to the bar. 

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