Almost eager.

Taking his hand, he shook it. Suddenly, he closed his eyes. Another boisterous clutter and everything was exactly how it was before.

"What the hell?"


"Hey, are you ok? You're way off today." Kirishima asked, caressing minor orbits on Katsuki hand. The blonde looked over at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just did some stupid bullshit last night." Katsuki answered back with an eye roll.

"Oh? What did you—"

"Class," The boy's released their hands as they huddled their awareness on Aizawa.

"We're doing a quick quirk race today as a warm-up. Then, we'll practice with simple match-up training. Get your quirks ready."

With a crack of his knuckles, Katsuki bend down as he readied to run. Allowing his sweat to drip off the tips of his fingers, he snickered.

"On your mark. Get set. Go." Blasting off with his outburst, Katsuki recognized he was in the lead.

"Ha! This is easier than ever!" He confidently yelled out. Suddenly, he felt chills come up from his right. Eyeing towards his right side, he scowled as he saw Todoroki zooming next to him.

With a growl, he let off a larger blast to plummet him forward. Swiveling past the finish line, he chuckled. "Ha, ya damn Icy hot! I fucking—"

Veering around, he was met with Todoroki on the ground. Nestling his ankle in pain. The class rushed over to him, Izuku peeling off Todoroki's hand as he gasped.

A huge chunk of ice plunged through his ankle. The pain making Todoroki grind on his teeth in distress.

"How the hell did that even happen?!" Kaminari screeched.

"I don't know. I'm very in control of my ice side, I don't know how the hell it pierced through me. Especially so badly." Clenching his knuckles, Aizawa bent down to his side, surveying the damage with shock.

As Kirishima came over to Katsuki, the blonde only stared at the jumble transpiring only a few feet away. This has got to be—

No. No, that was stupid. It was six-thirty. He was probably sleep-deprived. And besides, he didn't even do it at the witching hour. There was no way.


As the day had come to an end, Class 1-A cheerfully walked together to their dorms. Somewhere they hadn't been since last Friday. It was nice to be coming back to their second home.

"Oh, Kacchan!" Kaminari blurted as Katsuki turned around with a scowl.

"What the fuck do you want, fucker?" Kirishima chuckled at Katsuki's behavior.

"Chill dude. I just wanted to challenge you to a non-quirk race. Whoever gets to the dorm's door first pays for dinner." Katsuki smirked at the proposition.

"You're on." Pushing his backpack into Kirishima's arms, the two stood by the side. As the class watched with amusement.

"Three, two, one!" Mina shouted, wanting the race to be over so she can order food. The boys were off as the class cheered on from the back.

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