Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

welcome al mundo del amor

welcome locura confusion

welcome a no poder pensar

welcome tampoco respirar amor

y trasnochar

y junto a ti por siempre querer estar

- welcome al mundo del amor

in case you don't read Spanish it says-

welcome to the world of love

welcome madness confusion

welcome to not being able to think

welcome not breathing my love

and late nights

with thee for ever wanting to be


we are in the airplane as of right now and Tanya is right next to me as sleep but i can't fall asleep since this seat is so uncomfortable. "honey your still not asleep?" my dad asked concerned. "um no it's that this seats are so uncomfortable," we were in the middle class but still. "well i'm sorry sweety but this as much as we could afford" my dad said in disappointment. great now i'm feeling guilty but i didn't mean it that way, "no dad it's not that and we could be in high class but i wouldn't be able to sleep, it's that i'm not that tired and have too many things in my head." i could see the smile my dad had from the inside of his heart, "okay than try to think of one thing only and see if you can go to sleep, okay" "okay" than without a warning he was asleep once more. hmm what to think about, just think about one think Venus, only one thing. the next thing i knew was that i was knocked out dreaming that dream once again. this time something more was added to it and i could hear his voice this time. the only thing he said was "i love you Venus" and no one had ever told me that and i didn't know what to say but it's like something made me say "i love too, Juan" than he came closer and kissed me once again and i don't care if it was a dream, i enjoyed kissing this Juan dude even in my dream. "sweety, sorry to wake you up but we are landing already" my dad said softly to wake me up. i stretched out in my seat and said "okay" "i thought you said that you couldn't sleep than i see you even smiling in your sleep, what were you dreaming about" "yea dad, i couldn't sleep but i guess sleep found me, and i was just dreaming of how good our visit to Miami will be and in my dream it seem REALLY great!" i said with a smile because i was telling the truth, but just left out the part of the Juan guy. "Juan" i whispered as we walked out. "what honey, who did you call?" my dad asked with this serious face on, see he doesn't even let me say a guy's name, ugh but why am i even nervous? "um i said whoa Miami is so cool i bet i'm really going to like it, it's just, whoa" "oh okay well lets hurry and get to our new home." "okay daddy" we kept walking and over time his face finally went back to normal, damn that was so close i thought i said his name to myself, but why did u say that boy's name? great now i'm going crazy, ugh i hope this visit is something good like my feeling is telling me.


"hey bro. want to come over to my place so we can chill in the pool?" i asked Mario one of my friends. "sure bro. let me just call Mary to tell her i'm going to be with you" he said as he walked away talking with his girl. "Juan, Juan" oh shxt i better hide i know who's voice that is, shxt theres no where to hide fxck please don't let it be her, please. "hey boo didn't you hear me?" fxck, i thought."um hey baby and no i didn't um well you know what my parents want me home already got to go bye." i said as fast as possible than hurried to my car and zoomed out. when i stopped in a red light i texted Mario, "hey bro. sorry for leaving you and if you still want you can come to my house." about a minute later i got a text back "yea bro. don't worry anyways i saw everything, damn you running like that because your girl? that was hilarious yo." ugh great now everyone thinks i'm a pucci because running away from that annoying hoe that i have as my girl. i really got to find a way to break uo with her and every time i do she runs to my parents and they make me take her back. i caught her cheating a million of times but somehow my parents find something to defend her. i don't know why they want me and her to be together. my mom doesn't even stand her but expects me to do the opposite. i hit myself with the door and then i finally realize i was never even in my house. damn this always distracts me, making me past many embarrassing moments. i went up to my room and finally texted him back, "are you coming or not?" i was about to doze off when i hear the door bell ring, must be Mario. yep it was him with Mary and Jacqueline. oh its just them,Wait Jackie, what the fxck, i looked at Mario and he was just holding on the laugh. "um hey you guys i thought Mario was only coming"i said as polity as possible. Jackie, my girl in case you didn't know, said "yea but i wanted to know what happened so Mario brought me with them. and i didn't want Mary feeling lonely being the only girl." "oh" was all i could say. "well did someone die, no right so we will meet you in the pool so you can talk, bye guys." Jackie said than both girls walked out and i could see that Mary didn't want to be with her either. when they were out of sight Mario started cracking up "yo you should have looked at your face, all shocked and annoyed, damn that was the prank of the day." "dude that ain't funny, you know i could care less about her, and you know she is annoying as fxck but no my "friend" had to bring her anyways" i said kinda angry. "sorry bro. but don't get that mad but now that she is here you two can have a little fun." he said giving me a wink. i put up a disgusted look "yo you serious who knows how many diseases there are in there, but i'm not taking a risk," i said almost about to vomit. i bet that my girl has sleep with almost half the school, and i'm starting to believe that it also includes girls. yep sometimes i don't even tell others that she is my girl but somehow she finds a way to make sure everyone knows that. i tell my parents that i'm going to break up with her but they say that it's too dangerous and sorry they didn't know anything but for know i have to stay with her. everything my mom cries when i ask her this and my dad just says his sorry,and i really don't get it. i don't find any danger in breaking up with your girlfriend. "yo Juan, why do you always daze off" Mario said hitting me in the arm. "what oh i'm sorry Mario i just have a lot in my mind i'm going to be in my room if you need me." i said walking up the stairs. i went in and just lied in my bed thinking about everything, soon i was knocked out. i was dreaming that wonderful dream and i told the girl "i loved you Venus" Venus? so that's that angels name, she smiled and she said "i love you, Juan" i don't know why but i felt like i meant it. than i kissed her and she kissed me but her lips weren't the same soft, tissue and candy like lips. they were rough and sticky and just eww, wait i know this horrible lips. "Jackie?" "you enjoyed the kiss, boo?" she said touching my dixk. "um Jackie um we should see what everyone is doing, don't you think." i said trying to get away from her. "no they already left, so it's just us two." great, this just great, i'm alone with this bitxh and she trying to rxpe me. Ding Dong. Omg thank you God, thanks a million. "lets not get that, we can have some fun instead she said taking her clothes off. "um no it might be my parents, i'm going and it's getting late you should go too. come on." "ugh fine i'll change back and go after you, but are you sure you want to miss this?" ugh, of course i thought, so i just left and i think she could guess that it meant yes. i opened the door and it was Mario, "hey bro. thanks for saving my life, she nearly rxped me, but anyways what do you need?" he laughed at the "rxpe me" part, "damn bro. really" i just nodded "than that means you owe me one huge one, but i came for Mary's towel, she left it here" "oh ight" he went out to look for it and than Jackie came down. "oh hey Mario, you know you interrupted something?" Jackie said still fixing herself. "oh my bad ma" "ok well see you later boo, that way we can finished you know what!" ugh i think i'm going to throw up. i just nodded and than she left. "thank god" i said out loud. i guess Mario hear and came in the room with Mary's towel laughing his ass off. "damn bro. you dislike her that much?" "who doesn't?" i asked. "yea true well text you later bro. Mary is waiting for me, bye." he said walking out. "bye." i said after closing the door and going back to my room.

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