Chapter 7: A Hop Into The Past

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. . . 4 Years Ago . . . 

Aloha POV

I raced down the tiny roads of dirt, through the trees and around the all-too familiar brick wall, the wall that led into the city. I smiled to myself as the sunlight hit my face for the first time in hours. I had been out in the forest, under the trees all day.

I knew I had to get home now, though, playing wasn't all day. I hardly got full days like this to play. I was happy I finally got some time.

At the moment I'm twelve years old! My birthday was a few months ago. I skipped down the city's sidewalks. As long as I could remember we lived on the outskirts of Inkopolis. It was a huge city that seemed limitless.

I ran across the street, checking both ways, straight to our home. I opened the door to our house and let myself in, shutting the door behind me once more, yet this time I locked it.

I headed to my parents room, where my mom was at. Dad didn't get back until later in the evening. "Mom!" I called, knocking on her door.

"Come in, Lo." She replies. I pushed open the door, and peek inside. She sat in her bed, a smile on her face but she looked upset.

I walked up to her, sitting beside her on the bed. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

She shakes her head, "No...nothing is necessarily, 'wrong' in terms of my condition. But, I am very upset." She tells me.

"Did something happen?" I question her. She only nods a bit.

"Aloha. I'm being serious about, listen, ok?" She turns to me, her eyes showed only love and care. She wasn't joking about this. I nodded slightly. "That's a good boy." She says. I do not respond to her as she sighs, looking to the window.

Light fluttered in from the ajar window, shining through the white lace curtains. She smiled.

"You're grandmother passed away this early morning." She tells me. I look up, tilting my head a bit, about to ask a question. I stop myself. She continues, "She was ill, so ill that she could not make it. She has left us."

I couldn't hold it back, "Why do people leave?" I ask her. My mother seems a bit shocked about this question.

"Why do people leave?" She repeats. "W-Well..." Her voice trailed off.

There was a long pause of silence, I sat, waiting patiently.

"Aloha...People leave. It's something we all have to face when we get older. It's something you will see as you grow and become a fine adult. It's impossible to ignore. There's something we all have to remember, though. They never left us, they live on in our hearts and our memory." She tells me.

"But...why?" I ask, simply curious.

"You always were so bright. You know...It's not alright. You shouldn't feel forced to say 'you're alright' when someone leaves. It's doesn't have to be 'fine' or 'ok'. You lost someone you love. There's no denying that. But, they will forever be with you. And maybe one day you shall join with them in your own journey once again. Maybe one day, you'll be saying these very words to someone of your own."

I tilted my head a bit.

"Oh, I'm rambling on again, aren't I?" She laughs a bit. "Sorry dear. I'm a little lost."

I don't react to that nor respond.

"Why don't you go get Miss Woods? I'm sure Cherry would love to come over for dinner, how about it?"

I smile at my mom, jumping off the bed, "Okie!" I say, rushing off and out the door once more.

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