Chapter 2

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April 7th, 1962

Covert CIA Research Base

The car stopped in front of a large facility surrounded by woods on all sides. Erik sat with his arm hanging out the window, taking in the military base around him. Charles Xavier, the man he had met only the night before sat next to him. On the other side of him was Charles's sister Raven. The CIA agent sat in front of him. He wanted to keep her close because in no way did he trust her.

Stepping out of the car they began walking toward the entrance. The man whose facility they were using who Erik had not bothered to remember his name Began to say while showcasing the building, "This is my Facility, the goal here is to investigate paranormal powers concerning military defense".

"Or offense", Erik said he had much experience with these people who wanted to know more about mutants like them and it didn't normally end well for his kind. Charles looked back at him almost in an exasperated look.

The man in the suit continued, "Shaw or Schmidt whatever his name is, is working with the Russians. Your help may be needed to stop him", He finished speaking once they reached the door.

"Marvelous, so we are to be the CIA's first mutant division", Charles said. Erik shook his head in annoyance the government would never work with mutants unless they could fully control them.

The CIA agent, Raven, and the man in the suit had walked into the building, but Erik had pulled Charles back by grabbing the sleeve of his coat. "You cannot possibly believe the government will want to work with mutants", Erik said.

"This will work Erik we will find Shaw and justice will happen we just have to do it by the law", Charles said back. The two began to follow the group as they walked past all of the corridors with labs on each side. No human experimentation, so Erik was glad that that at least was not happening. It seemed as though all the labs were for technology or substances that were not recognizable.

The man in the suit had stopped in front of two large doors and was saying some things to Raven and the CIA agent. "Do you truly think we can trust him", Erik said to Charles as they were coming closer to the group.

"I believe so", Charles said.

As Erik and Charles approached the group the man in the suit began to talk, "In here is my best technician", once he finished speaking he opened the door to reveal a large lab filled with different types of tech. Robots, parts of machines, and even a plane were all squished in what seemed to be a square box of a room.

A lanky man-no boy or teenager was working in the corner of the lab and when he saw the people enter he began to get out of his chair but stumbled over one of the many random pieces of machinery. "Hi, I'm Hank McCoy", He said.

"This is my lab", He said. The man called Hank did not look to be very comfortable talking in front of people least of all his boss-the man in the suit. "Here ugh-let me show you this", he pointed to the plane which was hanging from the ceiling.

"The plane right there it's supersonic, it's the most advanced ever built", he said. Pointing up to the plane. The front looked like a bird's beak and it was very sleek. "You should see it fly, it's incredible", after speaking he began to mumble about the scientific backdrop to it.

The man in the suit or whatever his name was interrupted the young scientist before he could continue mumbling. "Hank these are the new people who you are going to be working with", He said.

Charles walked up to Hank looking very excited at the prospect of the young man, "Wonderful another mutant already, why didn't you say", Charles said. By all the confused looks he had a feeling that his boss did not know.

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