Chapter 37. Mission

Start from the beginning

"okay, about what?!" I asked. 

"I need to know if you still love me" he whispered. 

"Stop-, Draco I can't do this right now!!" I shouted. 

"Please!!" he begged. As he looked around.

"The world broke you into pieces, Malfoy. And every night you would come to me for comfort. Who do you think I am?! your mistress?!" I yelled. 

"My home" he replied. 

"How can I still love you? after everything." I said walking away. 

he let go of my arm. He stood there, with tormented eyes. Shivering from the wind. he held my hand pulling myself back to him,

 gently whispering. 


He looked at me. His hair, a mess. but in the left-over sunlight, he was more handsome and human than I have ever seen. 

"Please...stay" he cried. 

"I can't do this anymore Draco, you lost all of your chances. You broke me, I'm dead inside! and yet it doesn't bother you, the fact I lost my baby while still loving YOU!" I shouted. 

"Darling, that's not true-"

I slapped him, his face turned, his eyes widened. The red on his cheek expanded. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. But mine were numb, mine had no color anymore. 

"Don't you Darling me" I said, as I left him. 

I walked into the burrow, I turned around and there he stood still dumbfounded. Pansy was telling him something, but he wasn't listening. The words I said we're still lingering in his mind, I guess a heartbreak was worse than the cruciatus curse, because we were both still suffering. It didn't matter if I was suffering more than him, or him more than me. We were both in pain, we had no happy ending and he knew that. It's sad, but what can we do? we had no chance, we had no house by the beach. He would marry Astoria, and there I'll be. Lonely, without him, without anyone. 

I wasn't the Chosen one, I was me, and that's what mattered. But now I have to put my skills to use, and save my best friend. 

"Everyone ready?" asked George. 

"yess" we all said. 

"then let's go" said Professor Lupin. 

We all got on our brooms, and took off into the sky. I don't know how long it took until we reached the Dursely's house, but it was night out already. We knocked on the door and Harry opened. We used polyjuice potion to turn ourselves into him, and it worked. We all went back on our brooms, Harry went with Hagrid. I don't remember much to be honest. I remember fighting death eaters, and Harry screaming something. I saw lights going everywhere, and feeling absolutely terrified. 

We reached the Burrow, and I was with the trio, we all hugged each other. Everyone had returned or so I thought. We made sure everyone was okay.  as I went to go collect my broom, I didn't notice the chaos around me. 

"serena?! what are you doing here come on, George is hurt!!!" yelled Hermoine. 

"W-wait what?!okay okay, I'm on my way!!" I yelled as I ran inside the burrow. 

George laid on the couch with blood on his face. Fred and I came at the same time. 

"How you feeling Georgie?" Fred asked. 

I knelt beside him. with my hand on Fred's shoulder. 

"Saint like" replied George. 

"Come again?" asked Fred. 

"Saint like..." repeated George. 

"I'm holy....I'm holy Fred, get it?" replied George pointing at his left side of his face, where there was an ear no more.

"The whole wide world, related humor. And you go for 'I'm Holy', that's pathetic." said Fred. 

"Reckon I'm still better looking than you" said George. 

I let a soft chuckle out, and Fred nudged me. Charlie walked towards us, and we turned around. 

"Mad eye is dead..." he said. 

I put my hand to my mouth. Lupin sat down, as we were all in shock. 

"Mundungus took one look at Voldermort and dissaperated" said Charlie. 

My eyes were starting to water, I guess we all couldn't make it out. 

"I think it's time we all get some rest" said Fred. 

"I agree" I said. 

Everyone nodded. 

"Serena, Since we have more girls in the house, not everyone will fit in Ginny's room" Said Hermoine. 

"Oh..that's fine" I said. 

"You can sleep with me" said Fred. 

"I don't think that's a good Idea" I said as everyone headed up to their rooms. 

"Please.." he begged. 

"Fine, but no silly business Weasley"  I demanded. 

"whatever you wish, Darling" he said. 

We turned off the lights, and once again I felt completely alone in the Darkness. 

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