Aiden aves

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*Heavens POV*

Couple of hours went by and it was already lunch time, I was almost done with the files and putting them in order when I heard my door open and it turned out to be Ari who came in.

"Hey stranger" she greeted.

"Hey what's up?"

"Oh nothing it's lunch time and I was hoping if you would like to come to lunch with me and Jayden".

I stopped what I was doing and looked up at her.

"Lunch? With you and the boss".

"Yea.. what's wrong with that?"

"Everything... so no I'll pass thank you"

"I- why?"

"Because I'm not comfortable with it?"

"Is that a question or an answer? Because if it's a question you gotta answer it"

"Look Ari I love you with all my heart and I can't say no to you, but this one I'll have to pass."

"It's gonna be a nice lunch I promise"

"Still no.... it just feels weird going to lunch with my boss and best friend. It's going to be an awkward lunch because you guys won't talk like you both do and I'm just gonna be sitting there quietly saying nothing. So I won't go".

"Fine but I'll get you next time".

"Not in a million years". We both laughed at what I said and she left. I went downstairs to the lunch room and I saw quite a few people there. The place was a bit filled up and now I was starting to get nervous because I didn't know where to sit. It was as if God came to my rescue immediately, as soon as I an empty table I went there with my lunch and sat there. I was eating peacefully when I realized everywhere became quiet. It was until when I raised my head up I realized everyone was staring at me. Awkward. I heard a few whispers, mostly were nice comments and some not so nice... at that moment I knew who dislike me and who don't. I was about to put a spoon of food in my mouth when someone came in front of me. I looked up at the person and it turned out to be a really handsome guy, blue eyes, clean white teeth, waves and also muscular. So help me god.

"Guessing you're new here". His cute soft voice said.

I was really hoping someone would come to me rescue, but turns out God wasn't on my side this time. Great!

"Uhh... yea first day" I replied.

"Well nice to meet you I'm Aiden.... Aiden Aves".

"Heaven MCCoy"

"Heaven... it's suits you". By now I was already blushing .

"Oh.... um thank you".

"Shall we eat lunch together?" He asked. What's the point of asking if you're already sitting here.

"I mean you're already sitting there so there's no point in asking".

"Alright then". He said smiling at me. God what are you doing to me today? I'm supposed to be having lunch alone not have an intimidating guy smiling cutely at me.

From the corner of my eye I can see this girl giving me the "stay away from my boyfriend or I'll give you hell" look, and I'm not in for drama, today is my first day at work so I'll do exactly what she wants.

"So what's your~"

"I have to go" I said cutting him off.

"But lunch isn't over yet."

"I have some unfinished files I have to arrange for the boss so maybe another time".  Getting up from my seat I walked outside the door with Aiden following right behind me. I tried walking faster to the elevator but he was faster than me. He quickly got in front of me and stopped me.

"hey hey! what's wrong?"

"Nothing.... Like I said I have some important files to arrange so I have to go. Please stop following me." I was about to press the elevator bottom but he stopped me again. What is it with men these days! Gosh!

"I won't stop following you until you tell me what happened".

"Look I know you're trying to be nice to me because it's my first day here but you don't have to, go back to you girlfriend in the.."

"Girlfriend?" He asked confused.

"Please don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about".

"That because I don't."

"Blonde hair, green eyes, red lipstick."

"Wait you're talking about Leslie."


"Look Leslie I just my ex.."

"Who's clearly still obsessed with you and doesn't want me next to you." I said cutting him off.

"Heaven it's not what you....".

"Aiden you're a suspect nice guy and I appreciate you being nice. I really do but please stop following me. I'd really appreciate that".  The elevator opened and I saw my boss.

"Is everything ok here." His deep voice asked.

A/N: i finally updated another chapter 10,000 years later 💀✋🏾. Sorry for the late update guys and sorry this is short 😪. Been busy with school and stuff. Anyways hope you guys enjoy this 😗✨. Working on the next chapter.

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