ʙᴏɴᴜs- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

687 18 11

tw: extreme smut warning. edging, ropes, idk just kinky shit. hope you horny people like it;)

You wiped your forehead as sweat was beading onto your forehead. The sun was extra hot today. You were in your greenhouse planting the last of the Lily flowers. 

These flowers always reminded you of Harry. Not so much Harry but his mother. Lily Potter. How much you wished you'd gotten to meet her. 

She was the most loving mother on the planet. Her motherly love was something you'd never experienced but the most pure thing you'd ever heard of.

Neville came over to you smiling, "That's it for today! It's nearly 7pm, you better head home."

"Thank you Neville. I'll wrap it up, you can go." you brushed the dirt from your hands onto your apron. "Really? Thank you! Hannah will be so happy." he gave you a soft hug before leaving. 

You finished locking everything up and began to walk to your husband's joke shop. You saw him locking up the shop and you immediately sprinted over to him. 

"Freddie!" you yelled causing him to drop his keys and look over to you. You dropped your bag and jumped into his arms. His booming laugh sounded. 

"Hi Y/N." he said beginning to throw you over his shoulder. He swung you over and picked his keys up, locking the shop. 

"Ok, you can put me down now." you said trying to get down. 

"I don't think so. He held a firm grip on you and walked to the bag you'd previously dropped on the ground. He swung in around his other shoulder and asked you if you were ready. 


You felt yourself apparate into thin air. Back to your flat in London. The kitchen smelled of vanilla. 

"You'll set me down now?" you asked still hanging over his shoulder. 

"Nah. I think we'll have some fun first." he gave your ass a soft smack. You just helplessly swung over his shoulder as he walked to your shared bedroom. 

He finally sat you down on the bed. "Thank you!" you said sarcastically. You began to get up again when Fred pushed you back down.

"We're not done."

Your stomach filled with butterflies at his words. The wetness in your panties growing at his messy sweaty hair and untidy tie coming out of his suit. 

He removed his clothes till it was just his pants and belt left. He kissed you deeply pinning your arms above your head. He pushed you onto the back of the bed before drawing his wand out of his pocket, "Incarcerous."

Rope appeared out of thin air and latched onto your wrists. You quickly gripped your now bound wrists and Fred had a gleeful smirk dancing on his face. 

"Oh you enjoy this do you?" you asked eyeing his now fully hard cock. 

Fred just gave a lustful look back before pulling your pants off your panties going with them. The brisk air hit your pussy causing you to hold your legs togther. Trying to make friction. 

Fred forced your legs back open before diving into your with his tongue. His tongue found your slits and he ran his tongue along the opening. Skipping over your clit every time.

He teased your entrace with a finger for the third time. You threw your head back in annoyance.

"Please.. Freddie.. stop teasing." you begged. He stopped touching and brought his head up to face you. 

"What was that?" he asked taking his hand running it along your legs. Slowly. Causing you to shiver at the touch. 

"Please touch me." you pleaded. He almost seemed as if he was going to give in until,

i still love you (f.weasley)Where stories live. Discover now