"H-How did y-you get into m-my room?" Nezuko-chan asks timidly. You could hear some anger in her voice as the words came out of her mouth. Kaigaku then holds up his phone, which appears to be displaying a specific location.

The Butterfly Estate.

"You can thank Zenitsu for leading me here... You should really watch the GPS on your phone brother. Still the same old airhead I see," He cackles sadistically. "Anyways, I'm growing quite impatient here. Hand over Nezuko or I'll shoot you and take her myself. Don't even bother about screaming for anyone to help you, as you'll both be shot before they arrive," He explains, the smirk on his face widening even more. He then moves closer to me, forcefully grabbing ahold of Nezuko-chan's hand and pushing the barrel of the gun onto my forehead.

"Hey guys what's going on in there-

Once Tanjiro opened the door, I could see his face quickly become consumed with fear and anger. It looked like Kanao had left, because she wasn't standing next to Tanjiro, which is good. I didn't want her to see a man holding me and Nezuko-chan at gunpoint.

"Oh, and who is this Zenitsu? Let me guess, that annoying brat Tanjiro? He has really grown up hasn't he? However, I do wish that he had more scars on his face, I think it would make him look more like a man,"

"W-Who are you?! How do you know who I am?! Why are you doing this?!" Tanjiro shouted intensely. Sweat began to drip down the sides of his face as the atmosphere in the room got stiffer.

"I believe this is your sister Nezuko right...?" Kaigaku responds.

"W-WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US!?!?!?!?!" Tanjiro finally snaps. He looked as if he was about to kill Kaigaku with his bare hands.

"Zenitsu... I'm growing impatient... Hand her over now, or you know what happens," Kaigaku says softly as I hear a click come from the gun. Whenever Kaigaku didn't get what he wanted, he would always blame it on me. I would always be punished which is why I never really had a childhood. It was always "my fault" and I would never be able to go outside and play, eat with my family and do other things that kids would do.


"You can have Nezuko..." I say, releasing the tight grip I had on her body.

"Thanks for cooperating... At least a mistake like you can be somewhat useful,"

I could see Tanjiro in the corner of my eye running towards Kaigaku. He had a demonic glare in his eyes, and I knew that if I didn't hold him back, he would be shot.

"Calm down... p-please T-Tanjiro..." I utter out, my voice finally starting to crack as I let tears start to flow freely down.

He's taken everything from me. First the love from my so-called parents. Then he took Gramps from me. He even took Tanjiro and Inosuke from me before they found out what he was doing to me in private.

Now... he's taking my girlfriend.

And there's nothing I can do about it.

"H-Hey Kaigaku..." I blurt out.

"What is it? Want to say bye to my slave- I mean your girlfriend?" He pauses. "I'll let you say goodbye this one time," He says, still not letting go of his forceful grip on Nezuko-chan. I could see that Tanjiro was still furious. He hadn't said much, but it looked like he finally recognized who Kaigaku was.

"It's him isn't it Zenitsu...? We really can't do anything then can we?" Tanjiro whispers into my ear. I could tell that he was still exasperated due to how hard he was breathing. Nezuko-chan had stayed quiet for the most part, but I could tell she terrified just by the look in her eyes. I could see tears welling up in her eyes, which made my heart drop. Looking at Tanjiro, he wasn't letting anything back, smashing his hands onto the walls of the room. He was trying so hard to contain himself.

I don't blame him...

I know what it feels like to lose what you love, without being able to prevent it.

"Nezuko-chan... I'm sorry," I softly mutter. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't cry at the moment. I've never been so sad to the point that I couldn't cry... I needed to let it all out, but I knew I couldn't. Kaigaku would probably just shoot me right there if I didn't shut up.

'K-Kaigaku... Why her... Why are you taking her...?" I say, my voice cracking after every word. He then whispers in my ear, "You already know why..."

Kaigaku then forcefully pulls Nezuko-chan's arm as he starts to climb out her window.

"We're going to have fun aren't we... My little kitten," Kaigaku says as he begins to stroke Nezuko-chan's chin.

"Don't touch me!" Nezuko-chan finally says, slapping Kaigaku's hand.

"Oh you little B*TCH!!!!" He screams, now holding his gun right at Nezuko-chan's forehead.

"You complain one more time and I'll shoot you right here!" He threatens, his finger right over the trigger of the gun.

"Don't you even dare about shooting her," I say, my breathing now becoming uneven. I could feel my blood begin to boil as I try to hold myself back.

"Oh? And what will you do-

Before he could finish his sentence I lunge towards him, my eyes now filled with anger and vengeance.

I'm going to kill him.



It reminds me of her.

Word count: 1428

Wisteria🌿(Zenitsu x Nezuko)Where stories live. Discover now