Chapter 67 - Harry

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I wake up the next day to a retraction all over social media, there's a story that's been put out saying that I'm actually filming a movie and that what that was, rehearsals. I can't help but laugh before I feel immediate anger, there's new photos of new and Kendall too, well not new ones, but clearly ones that have been saved to be leaked on a rainy day, like this...

Aurora is still asleep beside me, I wish she didn't have to see this but there's no way to have it all taken down, even if I try, it's impossible with fans spreading the pictures and update accounts.

I read a few tweets before I get too angry, I hate that people think they know my private life.

I open Instagram and click through the photos I took of Ror and me yesterday, I pick just one, it's just before our lips touch in a kiss, just a few millimetres apart, it's cute and you can see her ring on her hand as it rests on my chest.

I load it up to Instagram, looking at it while I try to figure out a caption.

'If you like it, then you should put a ring on it'

Simple, and something I would have said before, when I used social media a lot more. I don't change any filters or tag anyone, no emojis or symbols. I just post it how it is and then I put my phone down and move gently down into the bed again, wrapping my arms around Aurora and closing my eyes over.

I lay there like that for another twenty minutes or so before I gently peel myself out of bed, I swipe both of our phones from the dresser and take them downstairs, I don't want her to scroll on it before she comes down.

I start on breakfast in the kitchen, I start to make her an omelette, one of her favourites and I make myself a bagel with some salmon, I cut up some fruit too and am just pouring out some fruit juice when I hear her come down.

She pads into the kitchen, barefoot in her shorts and tank top, even just awake she looks so stunning.

"Morning baby..." I say softly, watching her eye the table and smile softly to herself.

"Morning, look at all this... it looks lovely." She says, taking a grape from the bowl and popping it into her mouth.

"I'm glad you think so." I grin at her and set does her omelette.

"Have you seen my phone?" She was as she sits down at the table, I nod and join her at the table, passing her phone to her.

"There was a...thing." I say.

"A thing?" She asks, looking over at her, her eyebrows raised slightly. I really don't want this to turn into an argument at all.

"An article... and photos." I sigh, watching her look at her phone, I know she wants to pick it up and check.

She nods, "what kind of article and photos?"

"The article said we were shooting a movie, that's what the proposal was...and ah...the photos were old unreleased ones of me with Kendall." I tell her, watching her reaction.

She sighs, tucking some hair away from her face.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"I'm trying not to get angry again." She tells me, sipping from her juice, "are the pictures bad?"

"No, no love. They're just us at a friends birthday, it's nothing... bad. But I'm really sorry."

She nods and wipes at her eyes, "I thought after yesterday this wouldn't happen. It's so fucked up."

"I know, Ror. I'm furious. I posted our selfie..."
I say softly, "I've confirmed it on my own Instagram, I'm so angry too, believe me. I would never ever agree to any of this, this industry disgusts me sometimes, I thought I'd mostly got away from that toxic side of it...but this...this is crazy." I tell her and let out my own sigh.

She nods and looks across at me, reaching over to take my hand. "I know it's hard for you too, I'm sorry if I seem like I'm making this all about me. It's you I care about, it's you I want to be happy."

I nod, "I want you to be happy too baby, and you make me happy. Marrying you is going to make me the happiest man in the world, I know that."

She smiles and gives my hand a squeeze, "and it'll make me the happiest woman in the world."

I smile, and bring her hand up to my lips, kissing it softly. "How would you feel about taking that earlier spot at your venue?"

She looks at me, "the one next month?"

I nod.


I nod again, "only if you think it'd possible...but they do everything over there, flowers, cakes, catering... we just have to tell them what we want." I say, "and then we get your dress and my suit... I know it'll still be a push's doable? I think?"

"I think so too... we just need to let the venue know. And we need to get rings too, as well as dresses and suits... and invites. What if people can't make it?"

I shrug slightly, "you, me and our families... as long as they're able to make it, I don't mind who else can, we can send out invites and see what happens... I know a lot of people will make it."

"We're being serious aren't we?" She grins across at me, and I know in this moment that I would do anything for her, she has become my whole world.

"We are, as long as the venue still has the space, it not another few months will still be perfect too." I say, "I can call later and ask, and if it's available we can fly over soon? And hash out all of wishes and plans?"

"Oh my god, yes. Yes, let's do it!" She says looking at me with so much excitement in her eyes.

"I'm going to call now." I grin and grab my phone, ignoring all of the notifications.

I call the venue and explain and apologise, but they were so accommodating and change out date, to four weeks today.

"Holy crap baby, we're getting married in four weeks." I grin when I hang out, arranging to fly out at the weekend, we have lots of planning to do in the next two days.

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