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"Can I trust you?" Was the first thing he asked.

"Depends, are you evil?"

"I wrote to Dumbledore first." He took a seat on the edge of the bed. She sat on the chair by the desk.

"Oh for god's sake, you're not too bright, are you?" She asked. She pulled out her wand and he reached for his, staring at her warily. After a quick wave, she set her wand back down. "Eavesdroppers. If you're going to say something sensitive- which I'm sure it'll be since it involves Dumbledore, always keep up a privacy charm. It's, like, rule number five on staying alive."

"What are rules one through four?"

"You first. Why were you writing to Dumbledore from South America?" She switched to Portuguese as an extra precaution.

"Because Voldemort killed my grandfather's sister." He replied in his native language.

"You're not scared to say his name."

"I have no fear of the monster. Only hatred."

"There isn't anyone who hasn't lost someone by his hand."

"You lost someone?"

"My boyfriend, Cedric. Voldemort had his pet kill him when he came back."

"I heard about that."

"People usually want to stay as far from him as possible. South America's pretty well removed. Why would you come here?"

"My grandfather was British. He and his sister went to Hogwarts together. She was a Slytherin and he was a Hufflepuff. Whatever that means." Pedro shrugged. "They got older, grew a little apart. My grandfather met my grandmother, and she met him."

"Oh my god, no. Stop. Stop right there." She shook her head, switching to English. "Don't say any more."

"She loved him and he killed her." He finished.

"You're here for revenge?"


"He took a lot from me. Voldemort. When he killed Cedric, he took away so much of me, I was too afraid to be myself. And that's when we met. When I wasn't myself. When I was a version of me who was young and innocent and blissfully unaware of the hurt of the world." She said. "Are you willing to die in your pursuit for vengeance?" She asked and he shrugged.

"My parents died before I could talk. My grandfather was all I knew."

"Is he gone?" Pedro nodded. "I can't be your friend. I cannot afford to get to know you and befriend you if you're going to get yourself killed. I can't lose any friends and you're being reckless. You're not willing to fight to live."

"I understand."

"I should... go home. My brothers will be expecting me." She turned and left out the door. As soon as she was in the landed she apparated away to her brothers' flat.

"Alex. Didn't expect you for a while." Her brothers must have heard the telltale crack from her apparition.

"I need to talk to Hermione. I need privacy. I'm going to be in the bathroom with privacy spells up." She warned, before heading straight to the toilet. She locked the door and cast her charms before opening her bag and pulling out her mirror. She waited for Hermione to answer.

"Oh no, you look pale. What happened?"

"You remember Pedro?"

"The guy you flirted with for five seconds while you were Alexandra?" Alex gagged.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 6Where stories live. Discover now