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part 1;





My heart dropped. Several of my classmates were tearing up. The girl that sat behind me gasped. A boy across the room was frozen in place. Someone fainted, hitting the ground with a 'thud'. Someone at the front of the classroom burst into tears. Besides the crying, the classroom was practically silent. We opened our mouths, but no words came out. We were speechless.

The math teacher, Mrs. Umehara, was the first to break the silence. "You guys act like someone died!" The crying stopped and everyone took that as their cue to hurry back to their desks.

The girl behind me groaned loudly, "Why do we have to have a pop quiz? The term's almost over!"

"Yeah, ma'am, we've been swamped with work lately, can't we just have a study hall or something?" The boy that sat next to me added.

Mrs. Umehara spaced out for a few seconds, thinking so hard that her face scrunched up. Finally, extended her arm and raised it above her head, pointed at nothing in particular, and grinned, "I doubt you guys would actually use that time to study-" Several people booed. "-but I suppose a break is always good. Especially for students." Those that booed, started cheering as if we had won a war or something.

Mrs. Umehara quickly erased the noticed on the blackboard for the pop quiz and replaced it with a bunch of quick scribbles that kind of looked like the words 'STUDY HALL' before jetting out the door. She didn't want to do a pop quiz as much as we didn't.

"L/N!" The boy sat in front of me grabbed my wrist and pulled my forearm onto the desk.

"What?" He started drawing lines on my arm.

"Let's play tic-tac-toe!"

"Why on my arm?" I tried to pull away but he tightened his grip.

"You're 15, right?" He asked. 

When I nodded, he grinned and said, "Do you believe in soulmates?"

"Huh? Soulmates? What's that have to do with my arm?"

"Some people say that when you turn 15, whatever you write on your arm will appear on your soulmate's arm in the same spot. So let's play tic-tac-toe!" He put an 'O' in the center box on my arm. I put an 'X' below it. The first round ended in a draw. I won the second round, and as I was drawing a line through my three-in-a-row, something began to appear on my arm.

Little blue letters began to appear on my forearm.


The boy that sat in front of me let go of my arm and started shouting about how it worked, catching the attention of everyone else in the classroom.

"Holy shit, L/N's got a soulmate!"

"Hah! Why'd she write 'stop'? Did you get rejected already?"

"She's got kinda ugly hand writing..."

"Whoever she is, she's super lucky to have L/N as her soulmate. I'm jealous!"

"I bet it's fake."

"Write something back!"

"Yeah, ask her out!"

"Do it!"

I stared at my arm for a really long time, muting out my classmates. Thoughts were racing through my head. Is this some 'red string of fate' type thing? How does it work? How is my soulmate decided? The only thing I know is that my 'soulmate' speaks Japanese. Am I supposed to look for them? If this is really a way to talk to your soulmate, what am I supposed to do? I am required to look for them? Are there certain things that won't get written onto my soulmates arm? Is it just their arm? Why 15? What if I end up not liking them? Are there people without soulmates? What if a person had a soulmate, but never wrote to them? Is there a way to know if you have one if they don't write back? What if your soulmate dies? But most importantly, what should I write? I don't know if I'm interested in meeting them or not, and I don't want to make it seem like I do, because they might not want to either. Should I tell them my name? Should I say anything at all?

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