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"Expelliarmus" Regulus yelled as he ran in. Barty's wand went flying away and he turned to face Regulus. "Ahhh, come to watch me fuck your girlfriend?" he asked. Regulus dug his wand into his neck. "I should kill you." he said. "But you won't." Crouch taunted. "Not yet. Stupefy." he said and Crouch went flying back and unconscious. "Reg I'm sorry I-" I started. "It's ok love, it's ok. I'm here." he said as he pointed his wand at the ropes. They disappeared and he caught me before I fell. "Are you hurt?" he asked. "I'll be fine." I said. I hugged him and cried in his arms. "I was just trying to protect you." I cried. He held me close and kissed me. "I know. It's ok." he said. "He's going to tell your parents." I said. He smiled and shook his head. "Not if he doesn't remember." he said. He pointed his wand at Crouch and whispered "Obliviate." he wiped his memories of this and put some new memories in place. "Get dressed." he said. I quickly got dressed and we left him in the ROR. The second the door shut Regulus hugged me. "Don't ever try to protect me again." he whispered. "I shouldn't make a promise I know I will break." I whispered. He shook his head and chuckled. "How did you find me?" I asked. He pointed to the necklace and said, gave me. "It's charmed to tell me if you're ever in danger." he said. I smiled. "Of course it is." I said. He nodded. "Go straight back to Gryffindor ok? I want you to be safe." he said. I nodded and kissed him one more time. "I love you," I said. "I love you too." he said smiling. I started to walk back to Gryffindor when Remus and Lily came running at me from the opposite hallway. "Olivia Harris!" Remus yelled. He caught up to me and hugged me tighter than he ever has. "Did he hurt you? Are you ok?" he asked. I pulled away and looked at Lily. "You told her?" I asked. "She found me immobilized in your bed. It's not exactly easy to come up with a lie for that on the spot." he said. "So you know everything?" I asked. She nodded. "I won't tell anyone. I swear." she said. I nodded. "Let's go back to our dorm." I said. We walked in silence all the way back. When we got back Lily sat down and Remus started pacing. "What did he do?" Remus asked. "I'm fine Moony." I said. "You keep saying that and I'm waiting for an explanation." he said. "Regulus came. He charmed my necklace to let him know if I'm in danger. He found me and stopped Crouch before it went too far. Then we obliviated him." I said. Lily's jaw dropped. "You what?" she asked. "We had to." I said. "How far did he get?" Remus snapped. "He touched me. That's it. And the burns. I took off my shirt and showed him the marks. "Bloody hell!" Lily exclaimed. "I'm going to kill him." he said. "No you aren't. If you do, he'll have no idea why and it will ruin everything." I said. "Sit down, let me heal you." Remus said. I laid down and he got the healer's kit. He healed me and I put on some pajamas. "I'll give you two some time to talk. I'm gonna go to the common room to read." Lily said. We nodded and she left. Remus and I sat on the bed and he held my hands. "Why'd you do that Liv?" he asked. "I thought- I thought since, you know about Rick, I thought it wouldn't matter. I thought it would be just another time." I said. He sighed. "You can't just let people do whatever they want to you just because it's been done before." he said. "I know." I said. "Do you?" he asked. I looked up. "You told me how angry it makes you that Sirius doesn't feel the same way about me. Well for me, what makes me angry for you is that I don't think you realize your self worth. It's like after everything Rick did, you just don't care anymore. And I hate that. I don't understand how when I look at you, I see this amazing, smart, girl who is one of the best people I've ever met. I don't understand why she takes care of every single person except herself." he said. By now, the tears fell again. "I'm sorry Moony." I choked out. "I just don't get it." he said. "0.2 grams." I said. He looked at me in confusion. "What?" he asked. "That's my worth. 0.2 grams of meth is all it takes for my own mother to give me up. 0.2 grams and he can tear me apart and violate me as much as he wants. That's all I'm worth. 0.2 grams of meth." I said. A tear fell onto Remus's cheeks. "That's not true. You have to know your worth more than that." he said. I shrugged. "I know what Rick does is horrible. But he will never do it again. I won't ever let him touch you again. I promise." he said. I nodded. "I need you to try. To try and put yourself together again. Try and build yourself back up. Please." he said. "I will Moony. I will." I said. We laid next to each other and eventually fell asleep.

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