The Prison

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Chapter Four-The Prison

Daryl and Merle walked out with the other's when Rick arrived back at the prison from his run for weapon's. A red impala pulled up behind him and Daryl mumbled ''That Impala.'' Merle looked as well and then Venus got out of the driver's side Daryl heard ''Daddy!'' and Daryl was tackled to the ground. He looked down and he said ''Harry'' and the eleven-year-old grinned down at him Daryl hugged him tightly.

Harry grinned and then looked at Merle and grinned and said ''Uncle!'' and jumped him as well and Merle picked him up placing him on his handless arm and poked the boy on the nose with his hand and said ''Hey little one'' Venus went to Daryl and kissed him and Daryl wrapped his arm around her waist and mumbled ''Hey'' Venus grinned ''Hey yourself.'' She ran her fingers through his hair that was growing out and she said ''Your hair it's brown and it's starting to get long.'' She put their forehead's together and said ''I missed you so much'' Daryl grunted ''I missed ya too'' Merle said ''Hey baby mama'' Venus looked at Merle and said ''How lovely your still alive'' Merle smirked and Harrison said ''What happened to your hand Uncle?'' Merle said ''Had ta cut it off little one.'' Daryl took his son and Harrison hugged him. Daryl looked at the group and said ''This is my family my wife Venus and my son Harrison.''

Glenn stuttered ''Wife and kid'' Daryl said ''Yeah I lost them in the beginning thought they were dead for a while.'' Rick said ''I found his wedding band and asked him about it.'' Daryl looked at Harrison and he was running his fingers through his hair and looked at him with a grin on his face. Harry went climbed down and went to Venus and looked at the walkers in the yard. Rick said ''We had this the yard cleared out but the governor he crashed through the gates and dropped walkers inside.'' Harrison picked up some gravel and grabbed his sling shot and started firing the stones hitting the walkers in the head every time.

Glenn said ''Is he killing walkers with a toy'' Venus said ''He made the sling shot he's good with a sniper rifle as well.'' Carl mumbled ''Cool'' he ran over and looked at the sling shot and asked to try. Harry handed it to him and gave him some rocks. Carl aimed and fired and missed Harry fixed the way he was holding it and then Carl fired again and nailed a walker in the eye the walker dropped to the ground. Glenn mumbled ''The children in our group are scary.''

Harry looked at the prison with narrow eyes and he mumbled ''Can I stay in one of the tower's I don't like the prison.'' Venus looked at Rick and Rick said ''They have lookouts around the prison and they have snipers.'' Venus said ''No not yet once this war is over then we can see about you moving into a tower.'' Harrison nodded and Daryl said ''You have your things.'' Venus nodded and said ''They are in the trunk.'' She went to the Impala and opened the trunk and grabbed her things and Harry grabbed his backpack Venus said ''I have dried jerky and canned foods and other food and supplies.'' Rick looked at the bags of supplies and his eyes widened Venus had more in her trunks that was on her necklace and Harrison had some on his bracelet. He picked up the bags and Michonne Glenn and Maggie took the weapons and they went into the prison.

Rick said ''You can bunk with Carl Harrison'' Harrison looked at the cell bedroom and nodded and climbed up on the top bunk and sat down on the bed cross legged he said ''This is okay'' Carl stood at the door to the cell. Harrison looked at him and said ''What do you do here?'' Carl said ''Read fill the guns and go on watch.'' Harrison took off his shoes and grabbed his pack and Carl watched him climb onto his bed and pulled out a portable DVD player and Carl's eyes widened and he said ''You still have this'' Harrison nodded and said ''Mom charges it in the car I found a charger that can use a car charger. Carl said ''Awesome'' Harry grinned and pulled out his DVD collection and Carl picked out a movie and Harrison turned it on and they laid down and started to watch the movie. Carl placed it on his chest and Harry got closer to see and Harry laid his head on his pillow.

Venus looked at Daryl's cell and he said ''I was on the perch but I moved in here.'' Venus said ''You sure your okay you don't like closed in spaces that well.'' Daryl said ''I'll be fine'' Venus nodded Venus sat down on his bed and she hugged him. Daryl kissed her shoulder and sighed softly and mumbled ''I thought you were dead'' Venus said ''We barely made it out of the city before the bombs were dropped.'' Daryl and Venus leaned against the wall and she said ''We were leaving Atlanta from Harry's school.''


Venus frowned at the news coverage and people were saying there was a virus going around that made people crave human flesh but the news had yet to report it. Venus had gone to the stores brought five of everything they had in the stores she did it with every store she came across with her credit card. She had a feeling it wasn't a hoax. She called Harrison's boarding special school in Atlanta Harry had to be put in a gifted school because regular school just wasn't enough for their son. Daryl worked three jobs just to pay for one month's tuition for the school in Atlanta. She got into her impala and drove the hour and a half into the city to pick her son up early. She called Daryl and Daryl answered and he said ''Venus.''

Venus said ''I'm picking up Harry I want to get him out of the city this virus has me worried.'' Daryl said ''I'll meet you at home I have to pick up Merle he's been arrested.'' Venus growled and Daryl said ''He said it was wrong place wrong time.'' Venus sighed and said ''Okay if you believe him then I do to but tell him I'm going to kick his lily-white ass.'' Daryl laughed over the phone and said ''Of course'' he hung up. Venus closed her phone and pulled up to the school and went into the front office.

Venus looked and saw Harrison walked into the office after a phone call by the secretary to the music room where Harry's class was. Harry had his violin case and backpack and looked at his mom and said ''Mom what's going on?'' Venus said ''I'm just here to pick you up early that's all we need to go to the camping stores as well'' she grabbed his hand and Harry waved to the woman behind the desk she smiled at him and waved back. Harry buckled himself in and looked at his mother and said ''Where's Daddy?'' Venus said ''He's going to meet us at home'' Harry nodded and then looked outside and said ''Is this because of the reapers outside.'' Venus looked at her son and his eyes were blank ever since he was born, he could see things that her and Daryl couldn't. She said ''You see reaper's Harry'' Harry nodded and said ''A lot of them.'' Venus started the car and said ''Let's get out of here.''

Flashback ends

Daryl said ''We went to the house you weren't there'' Venus said ''We made it there maybe three days afterwards after getting out of the city.'' Daryl stood up and Venus followed him and they went to Carl's cell and saw Carl awake and watching a movie that was propped up on his chest. Harrison was sleeping on his arm Carl looked at them and Daryl was staring and then Carl looked and his face turned red and said ''This is nothing Daryl...'' Daryl crossed his arms and Venus rolled her eyes and said ''It's obvious Harry fell asleep while watching a movie with him Daryl'' Daryl grunted and picked up Harry and put him on the top bunk and tucked him in and Carl closed the DVD player and handed it to Daryl and Daryl took it and left with his wife and she said ''Did you have to frighten the poor boy?'' Daryl said ''No I didn't he's fine.'' Carl took a breath out that he had been holding in and Harry's head popped out from the top bunk and Carl jumped and Harry said ''Night Carl'' Carl said ''Night.'' His face still red as a tomato.  

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