"Is it possible that Josepha's balance went up the exact amount that Art's went down?"

The older man began to slowly frown. He glanced at the magicians for any hint that it was simply a game.

"Hey, look!" Jack exclaimed, "It's happening again."

They watched the large check change again.

"Art's balance has gone down another 280k!"

Eva shouted up to their second example, "Dina Robertson, what's yours say?"

"$281, 477!"

Arthur's frown stayed permanently as he began to understand the reality of the situation. He watched as the Horsemen gathered up front in a line.

"We have a confession to make," Henley began.

"She's right," Jack agreed, "We lied about something."

Eva smirked, "Which is something we like to do a lot. But most people just call it magic."

The audience chuckled uneasily.

Danny playfully rolled his eyes at the witty comment. He took over the continuation, "None of you were chosen at random."

"All of you have one thing in common," Merritt added, "Every one of you was a victim of the hard times that hit one of America's most treasured cities."

Eva was reminded of how she lost a majority of her things as a kid because of a house fire. Of course, she never told anyone about it but it was the primary reason she'd gotten into magic in the first place. She practiced in order to get away from the disaster.

"Some of you lost your houses or your cars," she stated, "Maybe you lost your businesses."

"Your loved ones," Jack added. She nodded in agreement.

"But all of you were insured by the same company."

The horseman accusingly pointed their fingers and glared at the eldest man in the center.

"Tressler Insurance!"

Eva smiled and glanced at Jack. They could each feel each other's satisfaction after the long waited period of ass kissing was finally over.

"You were abandoned!"

"You were loopholed!"

Arthur turned to Eva and Henley. He attempted to smile politely since he was still facing the audience.

"This is all for show, correct?"

"'All" meaning we're doing it onstage in front of a paying audience?" Henley questioned rhetorically, "Then yeah, it's all for show."

Henley have Eva a high five as she backed away from the man.

Suddenly, a man from the crowd stood up and shouted loudly. He claimed that large amounts of money had been transferred to his bank account. Everyone began to check their phones, seeing that their bank accounts had expanded greatly.

As the money grew, the audience stood up in a giant roar of applause and cheers. This made Arthur enraged, causing him to yell at his former partners.

"Did you do this?" he shouted accusingly at Merritt.

"How could we, Art?" Jack asked, "We don't have your password."

They all began to walk to the back of the stage to their final positions. They each passed the old man before going back.

"We'd need access to information we could never get our hands on," Henley hinted. She flourished her hands in a jazz-like motion.

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