Bucky- Baby Bump

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POV: You and Bucky have been married for a year but only Steve and Nat know. (The others think you're dating) You tell him you're pregnant

I had to resist the urge to slip in a Hamilton reference but if you want you can take a guess as to where I'd put it.

Word Count: 834
Type: Cute because babies
Reader Pronouns: She/her, I don't really know a dude who can get pregnant so-

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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You had been feeling weird for a few weeks leading up to this day. Just little things, stomach aches, nausea, nothing new really. But then your period was late, and you seemed to be gaining weight. You got paranoid and decided to take a pregnancy test, and that's what you were doing now, sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting for the results to come up on that little stick.

It had been 15 minutes, so it should have shown up by now. You took a shaky breath and picked up the stick, looking at the little '+' that had appeared. You had an idea of what it meant, but had to be sure. You quickly looked at the box, just to make sure you weren't going crazy and that this was really happening.

"Oh my god..." Your hand went to your stomach instinctively. You were pregnant. You and Bucky had been thinking about growing your family. He had wanted kids for a while and thought he was finally ready, but you weren't trying.

You sat there for a moment, shocked at how such a little stick could change your whole life. You were frozen in shock until someone knocked on the door. "Y/N? You alright in there?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine Buck."
"Good, because we have briefing in 10 minutes."
"Alright, you go ahead, I'll be there shortly."

You heard his footsteps as he headed downstairs and you quickly threw the box and test into the trash before heading down to briefing.

•••Time Skip•••

Briefing ended and you were thankful you weren't assigned any missions, there were too many things on your mind. As you were headed up to your room, Bucky pulled you aside. "Hey, are you sure you're ok?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well you're usually bummed when you don't get any missions, but today you seemed relived not to get them."
"Oh, yeah. I wanted to talk to you about something regarding that. Can we go somewhere a little more private?"
"Sure thing, Doll."

You grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him down the hall into your shared bedroom, shutting the door behind him. You had an apartment, but you liked staying at the compound. You turned to face Bucky and walked over to him, running a hand through your hair. "Ok, what's up?"
"Ok, um, I'm just going to come out and say it. God this is hard."
"You're scaring me, Doll. You can tell me."

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, blurting it out quickly so it sound like one word. "I'm pregnant." He stood there, shocked as you opened your eyes. You watched a grin appear on his face, replacing the shock that was previously on it. "I'm going to be a dad?" You nodded, smiling. "You're going to be a dad."
"Oh my god, Y/N this is amazing!"

Relief washed over you as he picked you up and spun you around. He set you down and beamed, pressing a quick kiss to your lips. You two stood there, smiling like idiots as Bucky placed his hand on your stomach. "We're going to have a little baby."
"Yeah. Yeah, we are."

You rested your head on his chest and someone knocked on the door. You backed away a little but Bucky kept his arm around your waist, a big, goofy smile plastered on his face. "It's Steve and Nat, can we come in?"
"Yeah, come in."

The door pushed open and they walked in, shutting it behind them. "Hey, sorry you didn't get a mission Y/N."
"It's alright."
"Usually you're bummed out, glad to see you're ok with it this time. Why do you look so happy, Buck?"

Bucky glanced at you and you nodded, he clearly wanted to tell them. He cleared his throat and you smiled at him. "Alright, well..."
"Spit it out Buck, Y/N looks like she's about to explode."

You laughed at Steve and Bucky looked down at you, your eyes big and smile wide. "Why don't you say it then?"
"Fine, your loss. I'm pregnant."

Nat smiled and clapped quickly while Steve just stood there, smiling.
"What? Y/N that's amazing! How long have you known?"
"This morning, actually. I'm about 2 months along I think."
"This is incredible! Congrats you two."

Nat hugged you and Steve walked over to Bucky, congratulating him. Steve and Bucky were talking already when Nat started asking questions. "What are the others going to think? They don't even know you're married. Oh Tony's going to freak out. And Thor, he's practically your brother-"
"Nat, calm down. We'll explain everything. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."
"Right, yeah. I'm just so happy for you two! A baby Avenger."

She hugged you again and a moment later left with Steve, leaving you and Bucky alone. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. "Wanna go tell the others and sort this mess out?"
"Not yet, let's just savour the moment."

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