Lokis Emotional Overload

Start from the beginning

Why though? Can I not have one good thing. Can the universe not allow me ONE good thing. ONE thing the brings me joy, ONE thing that makes me forget everything when I'm around her.

Gods know he will pay for this.

And then the dull creature, Alice, herself walked in. I couldn't even help my stare. If she even speaks to me I don't know if I'll throw a dagger or scream at her.

She looked at me. Oh my fucking god. She looked at me.

The hatred I have for her right now is astonishing.

'Hi, I'm just looking for my phone' she said

'Mhm' I said digging my nails deeper into the book I was holding

'You haven't seen it have you?'

'No' god I wish she would shut up

'Are you okay?' She asked turning and looking at me slowly

Clam yourself Loki. Don't do it. Don't.
Fuck it

'Know what. I'm not okay. I heard you talking with Adrian!' I spat out

'Loki? What do you mean?'

'The aches that you described with such earnestness. The pain, the loss, you clearly haven't lived at all!'

'Loki stop it!'

'You insist on describing the torments of love when you clearly know nothing about it!'

She tried to leave but I stood in front of her.
'I'm not done yet! What do you dream of? A kind man? Affection has no place in love. You know so little of the human heart. Or love, or the pain that comes with it! Your nothing but a spoilt child!' I spat out looking directly into her still matte eyes! The matte eyes! The matte eyes that prove she's been taken away from me!

'A spoilt child handed everything in life! Covered from the true pains of the world! Shielded away from anyone or anything that can hurt you!'

She took a step back and looked at me.
Before I could say anything else she slapped me across the face and left.

Alice's POV

I was just looking for my phone...

What the hell.

Why is he saying all that. I don't understand. My brains splitting. Somethings telling me I need him, I want him, that we have something special but it's being completely stepped over by the voice telling me he's evil and shouldn't be trusted. 

I slept on the couch last night, A little off topic but I couldn't decide what room was actually mine. It's killing my head. I don't remember

*that night*

Clint and I basically stayed in the livingroom all day watching all different movies. Eventually Thor and Natasha came in and joined us.

'Wait I'm confused? What's happening?' Thor said

'This is why u should've came when I asked you too. So basically she's was taken away from her family and made to think that women is her mother and she bes kept in that tower so her 'mother' can use her for her hair blah blah blah he stole that crown thing and climbed her tower thinking it was empty and that crown is actually hers but she doesn't know. And now ur caught up so shhh'

'Thor' Loki said walking into the room

'Ah Loki. Come sit' he said patting the spot next to him. Thank god it wasn't near me.

I felt his gaze on me so I tried to keep my focus on the tv but I think my uncomfortableness was noticed by Thor.

'You okay Alice?' Thor asked

'Just fine thank you' I answered causing Loki to snort

'Something funny, Loki?' I asked

'I find many things amusing, Alice' he answered

'So you find the fact of you hating me funny?' I said causing everyone's heads to snap around and watch us.

'Oh I hate you now?'  He laughed 'if that's what you want to hear then yes I do hate you. I genuinely despise you. You've tried to kill me three times and I've saved your life time after time. You fail to see what your actions are doing and I hate you for it.' He said

Then looking into my eyes he spoke again 'if you want to think of me as monster then fine. I hate you. You believe I've tried to kill you and that it's the only thing that bring me joy? Then fine! I hate you, Alice!'

From looking in his eyes I knew straight away what he was saying was a lie. I could see it in his eyes. Lust.

'You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid' I said without even thinking. 

His eyes widened and his mouth slightly open he let out a breath of frustration. 'I don't have to listen to this' he said standing up and then leaving

Everyone looked at me. Their eyes wide and lips pushed together into a thin line

'Whattt' I wined

Clint burst out laughing. 'I've never heard you say anything like that before' he said all while laughing causing everyone else to laugh along including me.

You will be mine. An avenger + Loki fan fic Where stories live. Discover now