"Baywatch!" She managed in between laughs. "I've-" she interrupted herself with laughter once more. "Got homework!" She finally stopped laughing when Wally put her into his arms bridal style.

"Well my lady I hope it's science because you have the best tutor right here." he winked before speeding off to the living room where her backpack laid on the ground. Wally set her down on the couch and brought Artemis her backpack.

"You know I have two legs that aren't broken." she commented while rummaging through her backpack. it was ridiculous to have homework on their first day back, but after all it was Gotham Academy. "lucky for you it is science." she pulled out her book and set it on her lap. Wally sat on the coffee table across from her and grabbed her textbook from her. "I have an offer to give you." he said with a devilish smirk.

"Which isss?" She leaned forward raining an eyebrow. He opened the science book and flipped to chapter questions. "Every time you answer a question correctly then you get a kiss as a reward." He made a kissy face and Artemis shoved his face back. "how about you help me and I will kiss you instead of punching you." she offered slyly. Wally glanced to the side and then back to Artemis. "I suppose that's fair." he sighed and sat next to her bringing the book with. Artemis was better at science then she led on. Wally would do adorable things when she got something wrong. Her particular favorite was when he glanced at her sideways and kissed her cheek. that was usually followed by a 'guess again,' or 'getting warmer blondie'. Wally was a missing puzzle piece in her life the was finally found. A best friend...and something more? After a quick 15 minutes science homework was checked off the to-do list. Wally closed her book with a thunk and scooted it away.

"Now do I get my reward for helping you?" He pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Hm, maybe later." She teased leaning over him and grabbing her book. She shoved it in her backpack and checked her flip phone for the time. Wally stifled a laugh as she pulled out her phone. she whipped her head around to look at him. "what?" She asked defensively closing her phone.

"Oh- nothing." he cleared his throat trying to recover. "yes I know I have an fossil phone Mr. Technology." she joked kicking her legs up to rest them on his shoulder. "oh and about your first offer, with the dinner?" she urged.

"Oh yeah!" He pushed her feet off of him and placed them on his lap. "I've got a surprise actually. What time is it?" He peered over at her phone. "Woah 6:30?!" With that he was gone in a flash. Wally rushed to gather his things for his surprise leaving a very confused archer on the couch. A minute later, quite literally actually, Wally came zooming back.

"Hey remember that surprise?" He said with an extended hand towards Artemis.

"Yes I believe I do, considering it was only a second ago." she took his hand and he pulled her up slinging his arm over her shoulders and pulling her closer. Artemis chucked and settled into his embrace.

"You're gonna love this blondie. Close your eyes." he said excitedly and placed her hands over her own eyes. "keep them there." He led her out of the Zeta Tube. "Recognized, Artemis B07. Kid Flash, B03." the computer spoke. Wally smiled like a madman as he led Artemis across the beach. His toes sunk into the soft, fine sand with each jittery step. Artemis kept her eyes shut tight and her hands in place wondering what was wrong with this kid.

"O-ok." Wally said as he led her to their destination. He taped his fingers against his sides starting to feel nervous. "Open your eyes on the count of three." he glanced behind him to make sure everything was still perfect. "one...two...three!"

Artemis opened her eyes and immediately her hands went to cover her mouth. In front of her a perfect picnic laid upon the sand. A red and white checkered blanket was set perfectly on the sand. Upon the blanket were multiple flickering candles that tingled her senses, shining silver plates and delicate glasses filled with what looked like her favorite drink mixture, blue powerade, coke, and sprite. How did Wally even know that was her favorite? I mean that was really specific. On the plates perfect grilled cheese sandwiches were accompanied by medium sized bowls of tomato soup with places of basil, her favorite comfort food. A few perfect crisp white pillows scattered across the picnic blanket. Artemis tried to for words but the only thin that could come out was, "W-Wally? What?" She stuttered. Wally pulled her into a big hug and grabber her hand dragging her to the blanket. He plopped down and motioned for her to sit next to her. She obligated and sat down across from him. The waves crashed on the shore setting sense a peacefulness the occasion

"I hope you're fine with sitting on the beach." Wally scratched the back of his head like the semi-awkward teenager he is.

"Wally are you kidding me?" She said absolutely stunned. "this- this is perfect." Perfect wasn't even the right word. This was way more than perfect. "How did you get the information of my favorite food and drink?" She asked finally getting her voice back. He shrugged with satisfaction plastered across his face. "I've got a detective for a best friend." Artemis grinned and started eating her grilled cheese. Wally made three for himself because well you know, serious metabolism. By the time Artemis had finished half of her sandwich Wally had already eaten his multiple sandwiches and was starting on his soup.

" did you even dip the sandwich in your soup?" She asked as if she were talking to a mentally ill person. You always have to dip your grilled cheese in your soup.

"Of course I did!" He held his hands up mimicking surrender. "grilled cheese isn't the same without the soup! Everyone knows that!" He shrugged letting his hands fall to his sides.

"Good." she said with a sly smirk. "because if you didn't I would have to leave." she took a sip of her drink mixture still giving him that smirk that made Wally's heart clench. This is all Wally had wanted for quite some time, to make her happy. To be the reason that she is happy.

Artemis finished her meal and sighed with satisfaction. "You know, Wally." Artemis scooter her plate over and laid next to him. "No one has ever done anything like this for me."

He grabbed a few pillows and slid them under thier heads. "Well I hope that's a good thing." he chuckled and tapped her nose causing her to scrunch her features. "Wally I- thank you." she looked at the horizon as the sun slowly set with an aura of pink lit in the sky.

"You don't need to thank me blondie." he said his voice low and calming.

"As much as I hate to leave this perfect moment." Artemis sighed and sat upright. "I have to go. Curfew." she groaned and stood to her feet. Wally quickly stood up after her and pulled her in for yet another one of his infamous warm bear hugs. Wally let go of her and looked at her with gleaming eyes. "So does your favorite speedster get his reward now?" He smirked at her playfully.

"I guess." she stood on her tip toes as Wally drew her closer into a big kiss. He leaned his head on hers and kissed her nose. "are you sure you have to go? He whined.

"Yeah, I'm sorry baywatch," she squeezed his hand and give him a soft smile. "At least let me walk you to the zeta tubes." Wally offered and looped his arm around her.

"You're such a gentleman." she teased pushing him with her hip. "hey!" He laughed and kept walking her. They had such a strange life. Instead of walking his date to her door Wally was walking her to a teleportation tube. When they finally reached the tube Artemis gave him one last kiss on the cheek. "See ya tomorrow dork."she winked and went through the tube.
"Recognized Artemis B07." the computer spoke. Wally watched as she disintegrated to her destination.
He burst out into a grin and followed after her, zetaing to his house.

As Artemis walked into her scrawny apartment she bid her mom a goodnight and walked into her room. Her heart stopped as a large figure rested on her bed. "What the hell do you think you are doing here?" She growled in a low tone.

"Noting baby girl." Sportsmaster replied. "I just want to have a little father daughter chat about your little boyfriend. Kid Flash, right?" Her heartbeat rang in her heard as a fiery hatred burned from the pit of her stomach to her throat. "Stay away from him." she warned stepping closer to him. "if you even lay a finger on him I swear I'll-"

"You'll do what?" Sportsmaster stood up from his perch and walked closer to his daughter. "call in your little friends to help you catch me? Lock me away in some little prison?"

Artemis didn't answer as she looked down at her feet. She would stop at nothing to keep him safe.

"Didn't think so." he said with a deep chuckle that made Artemis want to claw her ears off. "I need you to stay away from him." his voice seemed to get deeper. Her heart fluttered as she lifted her head up to look at him dead in the eye.

"Or what?" She snapped back.

"Or I will have to eliminate him." He left on that note, jumping out of her window into the darkness of the night.

AN: I am so so so so sorry for the long hiatus! I promise you that will never happen again!

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