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It hadn't always been this way, but Louis couldn't remember a time that it hadn't been. He loved his life, this life that he made for himself all on his own. Louis gets to travel the world, eat at fancy restaurants that he could never afford, flirt with cute rich men, feel pretty in expensive clothes, and be showered with compliments that fuel his narcissism.

Still, it gets lonely. Not in the sense of company, there's always plenty of company in the sugar bowl, but they're only ever really good for flirty dinner conversation and dirty words whispered in his ear as Louis thinks about what shoes he's going to buy when it's finally over. Louis tries his hardest not to, but late at night after he'd collected every dollar he can get out of his sugar daddies, when he's back home in his own bed he craves affection. Real affection. Louis wants to be held, he wants to have his hair played with, he wants sleepy kisses, he wants to be cuddled to sleep, he wants someone to love him.

But Louis can't have someone to love and hold him and do all the domestic things that he secretly dreams about. He can't have that because if he did, he would have to get out of the sugar bowl. Louis doesn't know what he'd do outside of the sugar bowl, he doesn't even know what it's like to be in a genuine relationship. He had started off his life as a sugar baby the week after he turned eighteen, it's been five whirlwind years of climbing to the top of the sugar bowl. Louis was one of the most sought-after sugar babies in London. His sugar daddies didn't like to share, but Louis had mastered the art of splitting his time.

It's not that Louis couldn't get out of the game, he'd been hoarding money that he makes in saving accounts since he started, always scared the floor would fall through and he'd be stuck, alone, and broke. Louis had set himself up well, if something did happen and he had to get out of the sugar bowl he would still be alone but well off financially.

Louis made sure to never get attached to his sugar daddies, he made sure that each of his main men had enough of his time to feel satisfied. He made sure that no matter how rich or attractive any of them were, he kept his side professional, well as professional as you can be when you go on dates and have sex with rich men that pay you can be. Still, Louis has rules and morals. He's not an animal.

"Lou, did you hear me?" Niall asks. Niall had been Louis' mentor when he entered the game, even though Niall was younger than him, he knew the ins and outs, what to do what not to do, how to flirt and play dirty just right to get sugar daddies to spend extra money or send more than they were going to. Louis owed Niall his life, he loved him, but he would never tell Niall any of this, his head is far too big as it is.

"Hm?" Louis hums with his chin resting in his hand.

"Have you listened to a word I said?" Niall asks again.

Louis puts his phone down on the table and looks up at Niall, "Um, no, sorry I wasn't,"

"Where were you?" Niall asks picking at his food.

"I was busy thinking about boys," Louis says smirking. "tell me again what you were saying?"

Niall sighs trying to sound agitated, but Louis knows he can never stay mad. "Always thinking about boys," he rolls his eyes fondly. "I was saying Liam told me about a new possible target in town, just moved here, could be your type,"

Louis raises his eyebrow. "Anybody around here know about him?"
Niall shakes his head and takes the biggest bite of pizza Louis has ever seen. "No, he's not really a sugar daddy,"

Louis scrunches his face. "Then how does he know Liam? He's like the master of all sugar daddies, don't tell him I said that I like when he hooks us up with the good ones,"

Niall laughs and Louis tries not to smile at his best friend. "I said he's not really a sugar daddy. Meaning not yet, Liam's talked him into dipping his finger in the sugar bowl,"

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