Chapter 23

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Dark - Hey guys We got lots of Dares lets go

These Dares are From randomfangirl001

¨Ennard you smol little bean here gives him 150 exotic butters a little gift before you go!¨

¨Rip Howler, and Kevin whats your Sexuality?¨

¨Kevin you innocent little bean owo give me and hug and pat me i like being patted on the head -w-¨ 

¨Armadlyan i see you as a big boi give me a piggyback ride!¨

Dark whats your full name irl its okay not to answer

I Dare Pharaoh boy and Night Ninja to fight till one gives up¨

Darks Group Hug your favorite person in the group shake hands with your least favorite saying it was nice knowing you 

Catboy here gives him Running shoes on water So now you wont worry about getting wet! 

Octabella can we be Friends OwO

Hey Romeo i love you 

Ennard - Thanks for the Exotic Butters DJ! 

DJ - No Problem! 

Ennard - ^^

Rip - My Sexuality is straight 

Kevin - Mine is too 

Howler - Demi? or Asexual possibly 

DJ - Give me a piggy back ride Armadlyan! uwu

ArmaDlyan - okay hop on! 

After a few minutes 

DJ- ^^

 Me Irl - For those who go to my school Irl They know my full name for those who don't go to my school i don't wanna spill too much info so ima just Reveal first name only bc of personal reasons 

So my Irl first name is - Jessica 

Jessica - So now you all know! ^^

DJ - Bows down  to Pharaoh boy 

Everyone but Dark and Pharaoh Boy Surprised*

Pharaoh boy - Finally some Respect! UwU 

Dark - No surprise there 

Dark - Night Ninja and Pharaoh boy time to Duel! 

DJ - gives Pharaoh boy a Protection shield 

Dark - gives Night Ninja her Emerald Katana 

Night Ninja - Really!? i have always wanted this! 

Dark - Its yours to keep! i can always make more UwU

Dark - Are your Ready! over on this side we have Night Ninja! 

DJ - and over here on the other side is Pharaoh Boy! 

Both DJ and Dark - Ready... Go!!! 

Everyone else was watching and eating popcorn while the two boys fought 

DJ - Hey... Octabella? 

Octabella- Yea? 

DJ - Any chance we can be friends?

Octabella - Of Course! 

Both of them hug* 

After 10 minutes both NN and Pharaoh boy both lose due to Dark hitting them with a frying pan for both of them ignoring Dark 

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