What The Single Pringles do for a Day

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Note - I know this is not a chapter but since i got no dares here i'm going to do what WE SINGLE PRINGLES DO instead of this book dying but if you all want chapter 15 comment some dares so let this begin! this is also before Lucas and Scarlett leave back to there world 

(They all left in the morning)

Dark is Talking with all the couples meaning...

Gekko and Luna 

Catboy and Owlette 

Romeo and Dj 

Night Ninja and Anyu 

Rip and ArmaDylan 

Muten and Grace 

Jay and Destiny 

Dark - Here you go guys! 

Jay - Wait what are the rest of you guys gonna be doing while were gone??

The Rest of the Couples Squad - Yea

Dark - Oh nothing we just gonna hang out 

The couples - Okay if you say so..

After they left and said goodbyes* 

All the Single Pringles - FREEDOM!!!

After 5 minutes they were chasing Dark While playing Freeze Tag 

it was 7:00 Pm they were still outside playing till they went back inside to eat 

Dark - Should we order takeout??

Howler - Its obvious Yes 

Octabella- Sure i dont mind 

Newton and Pharaoh Boy - We dont mind either

CS- Sure 

Ninjalinos - Yay! 

Dark - What should we get??

CS- Pizza 

Dan - Italian Food  

Michelle and Hydra - Chinese

Howler and Kevin - Anything that has Fried Chicken 

Octabella - I want Pizza as well  

Ninjalinos - Japanese food!

After the Rest answered 

Dan and Hydra - Dark, Max,Aiden, and Jack what do yall want?

Max Aiden Jack and Dark - MR Beast Burgers! 

Dan - I have never tried it 

Hydra - I heard its good! 

Michelle - I think we should try it 

Dark - I have never tried it either we should all try something new!

Everyone From Single Pringles - YA!

After food arrived*

Ninjalinos - This is good! 

Dan - I like the Fries 

Michelle - too bad they don't have milkshakes 

Pharaoh Boy- Yea 

Newton - i like chandlers style burger 

Octabella - Same! 

Dark - I like The Chicken Sandwich 


Max- I Agree 


After they ATE*

it was 9:00 pm 

And Single Pringles were either sitting on the couch or in the Game room playing Sonic Mania 

Dark - GUYS!!!

Everyone / Dark - What??

Dark - we should watch a movie 

After everyone got Ready* 

Pharaoh Boy was sitting Next to Octabella and Newton Star

Michelle was sitting with Max Aiden and Jack 

CS was Beside The Ninjalinos and me on her left 

Dark was Sitting with Dan and Hydra 

After a Few Hours Pass By 

It Was 12 am and most of the girls but Dark were asleep  the Ninjalinos, CS, Michelle, Pharaoh Boy , And Newton Star Fell Asleep 

Max Aiden Jack Dark Hydra Dan Howler and Kevin, Lucas, and Scarlett  were all up still watching Movies 

Dark - So.. what should we do now since Most of us are Asleep?

Max - Ima sleep soon enough 

Dark - Ima Stay up 

Aiden - Fell Asleep*

Hydra - Man Down *Snickers*

Howler - How About going to the moon for today?

Kevin - im in

The Rest but Max and Aiden - Same 

All head up to the roof Expect the ones who fell alseep* 

They Howled Gently to the Half moon 

Soon after 30 minutes they went back inside 

It was 2:00 am 

Kevin and Howler both went to sleep two hours later 

After 1 hour and 30 Minutes later it was 3:30 am and all went to sleep but Lucas,Scarlett,Dark,Dan, and Hydra Were up

Dark - Lucas and Scarlett im sorry you guys have to go soon but i hoped you have fun

Lucas and Scarlett - We had Fun... We wont Forget you.. Guys.. We still have The Group Chat... Both Fell Asleep*

Dark - It been fun with you guys too *Picks Scarlett up*

Dark - Dan or Hydra can someone get Lucas Please 

Dan - i got him 

Hydra- ima get the doors open then

After an 1 hour of getting them there and coming back and doing nothing 

Dark - I had a fun Day Today 

Dan and Hydra- Same

Dan - I'm starting to get sleepy 

Dark - Same 

Hydra - im too lazy to go back to the rooms...

All 3 of them - Too Tired...

All 3 of them Fell asleep of the couch 

I hoped you enjoyed Reading this even though it wasn't chapter 15 

Please add Dares for chapter 15!!!

That's all Bye!!!


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