Unc Unc😝

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One week in and I don't know what sleep is cause this little boy right here just wants to be held throughout the night, like sir let me rest

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One week in and I don't know what sleep is cause this little boy right here just wants to be held throughout the night, like sir let me rest. If there's one thing I miss about the hospital is the night shift nurses who helped with L.A's diaper changes throughout the night letting Reign and I sleep in a lot more. Reign has been staying with me cause I would go insane alone with this spoilt ass baby, I blame him cause he's always just holding him and laying with him talking bout some "Skin to skin is good for him."

They're bond is the cutest thing, it's like Legend knows his father's touch and presence cause when ever he's around it's fuck me but be clinging onto me when he hungry, like am I just a milk lady? We haven't really let people come to the house because we're still tryna bond with our son and it's almost Christmas anyway so everyone can see him then when he's a little older. Finishing off my morning routine, I look at my hair and decide that I definitely need a new style so I might ask Zo to come through later on today if he's free.

My body isn't back to normal yet but I'm okay with that cause carrying and bringing forth life isn't a joke so I don't feel the need to hurt myself to follow society's crazy expectations

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My body isn't back to normal yet but I'm okay with that cause carrying and bringing forth life isn't a joke so I don't feel the need to hurt myself to follow society's crazy expectations.

My body isn't back to normal yet but I'm okay with that cause carrying and bringing forth life isn't a joke so I don't feel the need to hurt myself to follow society's crazy expectations

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Walking into my baby's nursery, I peek into the crib and smack my lips when I realise baby boy is probably being coddled by his dad. "Reign" I sigh, shaking my head as I find Loyal laying on his chest as he watches an NBA game, making him look at me with a guilty smile, "Hey baby" he says. Rolling my eyes as I lean down to kiss my baby's forehead before pecking his lips, "Nah don't try that now, you keep spoiling him, now he always wants to be held" I respond before going to the kitchen to go get some breakfast.

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