She lifted a hand to her mouth and her eyes filled with realization. She looked around at the hundreds of other people, shielding themselves from the rain with umbrellas. She and the man in front of her must look like crazy people right now, even though the rain was hardly of any concern at this point. In her frenzy to save him from impending traffic, she had lost track of her umbrella. It was most likely stolen or broken, now, anyway.

"Oi, are you going to say anything, or just stand there? I appreciate your assistance, but I really need to get back to Trost. I don't know what happened.... and I don't know how I got here, but I am needed elsewhere."

"Well, here's the thing. Trost... it doesn't exist." She spoke slowly.

He stood up from the bench, keeping his eyes locked on her. "What do you mean, it doesn't exist?" He fumbled in his back pocket, which usually housed a pocket knife or two. Finding one, he raised it up towards her quickly. "Don't play with me, girl. This is the part where you tell me exactly what is going on here."

She clamored away from him, raising her hands but trying not to make a scene. "You can't just wave knives around in public, Levi! This is Millennium Park, you... this isn't the kind of place you're used to. I will tell you everything, just put that thing away before we both get arrested, please."

He reluctantly returned the knife to his pocket.

"Look." She started. "Everything you know... none of it is true here. There's probably a lot to go through." She looked up. "But let's get out of this rain first."

And so here they were, sitting in this coffee shop, having said nothing since then.

He spoke first. "I... apologize for my hostile behavior. I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this." He watched the cars barrel down the street, just as they had been before.

She looked at him with intense eye contact. "You're Levi. It's really you."

He returned his gaze to hers, but looked away after noticing how almost creepy her stare was. "Yeah, how do you know me?"

"You're not real. You're a fictional character from a manga and an animated Japanese television series." She said. After saying that, she realized he wouldn't even understand half the words she just said. "Sorry, that was probably too much. I know you because you're one of the main protagonists in a popular story. But the story isn't real, so it's... it's a bit crazy that you're here right now. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I told you, I was in Trost. I was about to kill a titan. We had just returned from an expedition, and I was heading down the wall... there was a boulder smashed into it. I never reached the titan, either. My vision went black, and then I appeared here."

"Wow..." She breathed.

"You're telling me that my life is fake?"

"Well, clearly it isn't, since you're here, and you're real. It's not just my imagination, because clearly all the cars on the street noticed your presence as well."

He lifted a hand to his forehead. "I... I don't get it. How did I get here?"

The woman's heart ached. She was obsessed with this man... or at least the fictional version of him. Now that he was here, real, and in front of her, she felt al little bit embarrassed about her own behavior. He was there, in the flesh, and he was in turmoil.

She couldn't help but feel a little relieved, though. This environment may be completely foreign to him, but at least there's no titans to fight in Chicago.

"Captain..." She said, not really having a plan of what she was going to say.

"Listen, you don't have to call me by that title. I don't think it really applies here, if what you've told me is true. Just call me Levi. But... I don't even know what your name is."

Stranded | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now