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Riene POV

           "So why did you kiss that stranger?" Nat asks me from the passenger seat,
   "Just copying you guys" Nat chuckles
   "No he was not my soulmate before you ask. But I swear if my soulmate is that crazy serial killer that killed Fury I'm gonna scream." Nat laughs at that and I see Steve smile a bit. Nat directs her attention onto Steve and I lean my head back hoping to get some sleep, the humming of the car soon pulls me to sleep.

Steve's POV
             After some talking with Natasha I look in the rearview camera to see Reine's asleep and smile a bit, I see the little girl as a sister and feel protective of her for some reason. I shush Natasha and point to the back, Natasha looks and sees what I saw and smiles almost motherly. She turns back to the front,
  "I'm glad she's asleep, she has trouble with the broad topic of sleep and resting."
  "How come?" I ask her, her responce is shrugging
  "Her father won't tell anyone. My guess is..past trauma that causes nightmares, her teddy she calls Buck-buck is back at her home."
  "Yes, one day she woke up as a child and saw someone in her room. The name Buck popped into her head and she said it outloud, the person froze and jumped out of the window. That day she got the teddy and named it buck-buck. There's survalliancd footage of it." I nod at the some memory and start to think, of the whole story until we reach the building in Jersey. I pick up Reine making sure she stays asleep, her arms go around my neck as she wakes up slightly. Natasha Pat's her head and she goes back to sleep. I smile a bit and see Natahsa doing the same.


Reine is now awake and looks more energized and kinda hyper, her leg won't stop bouncing. She takes something out of her bag and takes it dry
  "What was that?"
  "Anxiety medication" was her responce. We get to Sam's place and Natasha knocks on his door.

Reine's POV

             Nat knocks on Sam's door, who soon opens it
Sam: hey guys
Steve: I'm sorry about this.
Reine: We need a place to lay low.
Nat: everyone we know is trying to kill us.
Sam: not everyone

He let's us in and I stay with him. Steve and Nat kinda wonder off after a while and I help Sam make breakie, or well I do and he watches. Sam soon leaves the kitchen, I'm guessing to get Steve and Nat. Later on we make a plan to get some information on Zola's algorithm. But we do need Sitwell for that, time for a search and kidnap plan.

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