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Reine's POV

              I walk up to Steve's apartment. Fury has decided to get me to be his friend and help him settle in. I gently knock on the door and I look up to see Steve opened the door and is looking at me confused, you see I don't look very ordinary. As far as I've been told I have bright white hair and different colored eyes, my left being a dull green and my right being a dark brown almost black. Freckles littering my cheeks and nose, like stars as I've been told, and large circle glasses sit on my nose. My eyes meet his and I break the silence,

Steve POV

           "Hello Mr. Rodgers. I'm not gonna sugarcoat this," sugarcoat? She continues on saying
   "Fury has sent me to welcome you to 2014 and make you feel comfortable." Her thick accent, that I can't pinpoint, breaks the silence. I say nothing and let her in, she walks in and into the living room. She's very small but looks strong, someone Bucky would like. I sighs softly at the thought of my best friend and follow her. She stands next to the couch until I point to it then she sits, this is one odd doll, I sit on one of the chairs and we just stare at each other. I look at the clock and realize I have to go on my daily run, I see her follow my eyes
  "Going running?" I nod at her question and she stands
  "Let's go then capsicle"
Capsicle? Wait I never got her name
  "Wait, what's your name ma'am?"
  "Reine Stark. You knew my grandfather Howard Stark." My eyes widen as I look at her shocked, she looks nothing like Howard. Her green and dark brown eyes, yes I can see color, watch me and she smirks a bit. Nevermind, she's a Stark. She points towards the door
  "Don't mind me watching do you?" I shrug
  "I don't have a choice do I ma'am?" She smiles and shakes her head
  "Call me Reine. I'm younger then your age when you got frozen. I'm only 18, so no ma'am. Let's get you running." I nod and we leave and go to running.

Reine POV
           I plop myself down under a tree and see someone running, I recognize him as Sam Wilson an ARMY vet. Steve waves at me kinda like a salute and I copy him and go onto my phone and put on my bluetooth headphones that are always around my neck and listen to some music. I watch Sam get angry at Steve since the running paces are drastically different. I look down at my phone to see the next song then hear rigid breathing coming towards me, I look up and see Sam. I take my headphones off the loud rock music heard if you were next to me.
  "Hey you sarcastic ball of sunshine" I smile and say back,
  "Hello you unathletic sarcastic ball of hope" making him laugh and cough a bit still trying to catch his breath. I laugh a bit and Steve soon joins us not breaking a sweat.
  "Need a medic?" Making Sam laugh and say back

  "I need a new set of lungs. Dude you just ran like 13 mile in 30 minutes."
  "Guess I got a late start" was his come back. Lame.
  "Sorry about that" I said to Steve who smiled.
  "Oh, really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." He hesitates to speak, I put back on my headphones since I'm guessing they're gonna talk about Military stuff. I feel a soft nudge on my feet and see Steve start to leave, I get up and follow him in silence until Sam breaks it,
  "It's your bed. Right?" I tilt my head just realize and look down. Steve questions him
  "Your bed, it's to soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rocks for pillows, like a caveman. Now I'm home laying in my bed, and it's like..-" steve cuts him off,
  "Lying on a marshmallow. Feel like I'm gonna sink right to the floor." I don't listen anymore since I'm just getting used to sleeping in a bed myself. My phone went off with a small piano ring that I set, I check the notification and see it says "Mission alert. Stay with Steve :)" it's from Natasha. I smile at it and put my phone away looking for her. I see her pull up to us and I smile at her introduction of,
  "Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil and an Angel" I get into the back as Nat, Sam, and Steve share some dialogue and Steve gets in the front while Sam joins me in the back.

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