Deal with the devil in the dark

Start from the beginning

The air seemed to buzz with light as this man kept talking, since neither of us were, "Welcome Zoldycks, i apologize once again that you were unable to finish your trials. And.... other things."
He spoke with a strong  tone and yet there was a romantic caress of  his accent that made me blush, and clutch Illumi just a bit tighter. "Hello, Roberto" Illumi choked out reluctantly, in a clipped tone, all semblances of his sensitivity now banished. I frowned, realizing that the side of Illumi I got to see more and more of every day since we met is not the way he is with others.

Roberto leaned forward, effectively invading my personal space, his snakelike eyes hovering before me, the thin vertical pupils expanding to take in the sight of me, and simultaneously causing me to hold Illumi tighter. Illumi tilted his head to the side and observed Roberto with annoyed interest, but he made no move to intervene. Interesting that he didn't, Hisoka would've. But as I keep being reminding illuni isn't Hiso, and I'm grateful for that. Instead, he just stood, his hands on my shoulders, as Roberto stared. Then after a long uncomfortable silence, Lumi donned a bone chilling gaze, and directed it at Roberto.

Roberto ignored him, and rather he smiled languidly. His lips parted as he observed me, and blood rushed to my cheeks as I suppressed the urge to violently push him away. Rather, i just pressed my lips together in discontent, and stared back at him. Roberto's eyes became fixed on the horizon, as he slid down, his face now now inches from mine. "Tsk tsk, She reminds me of my departed wife, interesante..." Roberto whispered longingly, the wistful and sorrowful tone causing goosebumps to ripple across my skin. "Roberto..." Illumi warned, the tension within the room being pulled taught like a rubber band that might inevitably snap.    

Roberto's breath smelled like flowers and absinthe and his body smelled like earth and fruit.  Dontpanicdontpanicdontpanic. "Hm" i said quietly, and I maintained My composure, adding, "That's unfortunate, isn't it?" Illumi lips twitched upward for a flash and I couldn't help but think he liked it when I acted calm yet condescending. Basically, when I acted like him, and his pretentious yet endearing ways. His often annoying ways. I looked up to Illumi's pale complexion, and firm features and i covertly hip bumped Illumi, and he glanced down to me and gently pressed his hip into my abdomen in return, because of the height difference.  Roberto glanced between us, his eyes alight with interest and he interjected, "Oh? Unfortunate? How so?" I shrugged and stated bluntly, "I can't see how that resemblance would be good for either of us. Most torturous for you, possibly fun for me." I winked at Roberto,who was now scowling. Illumi pursed his lips but said nothing.

Roberto paused, then he seemed to make a silent deduction on how to proceed. He innocently upturned his palms and responded a mellow tone, "Ah, well I am confident there is some way for us all to enjoy the wonders of my country, hm?" The way he said country I severely doubted that his country was all he was referring to. I opened my mouth to respond in jest, yet Illumi beat me to it. Illumi's jaw twitched and he twisted his mouth into a scowl as he interjected, "No.I fail to see how any of this this is relevant." Roberto ignored Illumi, and though his face didn't show it, i could feel Illumi was becoming more irritated and angry. I didn't want him to feel stressed in any way, but right now, All I could do was squeeze his arm and support him. Maybe I could help him decompress later. Roberto, ever The conversationalist  asked, "When were you born, mi parajita?" My face paled as Roberto's radiant tendrils of power flowed around the room, silently attempted to hug me. I recoiled from Roberto's smiling face, as
Illumi stepped in front of me and responded, "You would do quite well to remember, Roberto Del Solare, that she is not your anything, she is mine, and you are not to lay a hand on her, ever." Roberto frowned, yet licking his thick lips as he appraised Illumi. I was beginning to get impatient and throughly disturbed. Illumi too, as he hesitated and added, "Or me, for that matter."

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