Q&A 5

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Bloom: Next question.

Sky: This question is directed towards Leo.

Percy: It says, "So,When are you gonna tell everyone about your girlfriend, Leo?" ... Wait a dam minute, You have a girlfriend and didn't even tell me!?

Leo: ... Eh, funny story... 

The winx: 0-0 

The specialists: =_=

Bloom: *Grabs camera and starts recording* This is golden black mail.

Leo: I.........Um............. Well..............

Jason: Girlfriend? When did you get a girlfriend?

Leo: I didn't.... she.............. Luke? A little help here.

Luke: Jason, Leo doesn't want to talk about her right now so if you could just-

Jason: You told him?!?!

Jason: B-But your my friend!

Jason: *cries*

Leo: ............. That went well.......................

Everyone else: *face-palms*

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