chapter thirty - seven | the battle at garden's gate

Start from the beginning

Ah yes. Seki would have a lot to answer to if he and his girlfriend's daughter came back home having just had the crap beaten out of them.

"Amen. Both our asses are on the line here." Seki laughed

"Our numbers still suck." Tsuji remarked, always the beacon of positivity. "However, it's better than we were."

"Hold that thought!" Another voice joined the fray.


"Holy mother of god." Nakagoshi muttered, turning around to see Odajima and Sachio leading Housen's Skinhead Army straight for us.

"I told you I'd come through!"

"No way." Futa mumbled. "I thought they were a myth."

"Didn't Ukyo go to Housen?" Agyo asked

Housen's students had an indescribable quality of instilling fear in everybody they met: burly, bald men that looked like they could rip you in half. Yep, who wouldn't be scared. It was like a sea of white and grey, pale and bruised skin as they followed their leaders ( minus Sabakan, who had a mental breakdown after their run-in with Kidra ). At the front was Shida Kenzo, hyper as ever, Sawamura with a stoic expression on his face, Jinkawa with an unsettling murderous glare, Odajima with his trademark grin and sunglasses, and Sachio, who looked like he wanted to kill everybody he passed.

"Oi, Satchi!" Fujio called, waving his hand like a maniac

Sachio rolled his eyes. "Stop calling me that, Hanoaka."

"Hey Sachio!" Sakura waved "Tell Yui she owes me big time for covering for her the other day!"

"Wait," Sachio shot a sideways glance to Sawamura. "where did she go?"

Sakura shrugged. "I'll let you two sort that out."

"And I was beginning to think you wouldn't show." I joked, pulling Odajima in for a hug

"I can be very persuasive." Odajima reassured. "We're here, aren't we?"

"Yeah, after a two hour long screaming match." Shida chuckled. "I was on your side, by the way."

Jinkawa snorted "Yeah, because he's star struck."

The ear-splitting sound of a car horn drowned out any of the Kenzo boy's attempts to defend himself against Jinkawa's accusations as a motorcade of classic cars came speeding down the road, a sea of red jackets, bad music and shouting, none other than Hyuga Norihisa spread out over the hood of the lead car.

"You weren't about to start without us, were you?" Hyuga shouted, still out of earshot for most of us

"I can't believe it!" Agyo shouted "The begging worked!"

The full-timers stopped in their tracks. None of them had ever met any of the other S.W.O.R.D. leaders.

"No freaking way!" Yasushi shouted, jumping up and down. "That's Hyuga Norihisa!"

"The man, the myth, the legend." Kiyoshi agreed, equally as starstruck as the younger co-leader of the YasuKiyo Faction

Todoroki rolled his eyes. He'd been through this already with the container fight, and saw no reason why he, as well as Shibaman and Tsuji should be fanboying with the rest of the full-timers.

"You have good friends, Midori Yamada." Hyuga spoke slowly, getting up from his perch on the top of the car.

"Yamada?" A guy in a red baseball cap asked, a flash of recognition crossing his face before he pointed at me. "You're Marumo Yamada's niece! Man, that guy was a hoot! How's he doing?"

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