A girl from outside of the wall

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Levi P.O.V

It was nighttime. It should make a safe journey for us to get back to the wall. The titans could not mobilize without the sun. However, we have to be careful as we are lacking of light source as well.

"Let's head back. As soon as the sun comes, we would be at the gate. Safer for everyone." I looked over at the remaining cadets left, scattered around the abandoned tower, flopping with the will to fight dropping by seconds. Their shoulders slouched and eyes were dimmed. I clicked my tongue. 

What a huge loss. This time expedition as well, just curb into trash. We got nothing at all for the superior.

For the people. 

"Hurry up. The time is ticking. I'm not wasting my time saving your sorry ass if you slow down." I told them, leaving the place to my horse. 

We were separated from the main squad. I hope Erwin is doing alright. 

All of us started to move immediately after everyone ready. From afar, we could see the titan walked aimlessly. Some were laying to the ground, probably exhausted without the source of the sun. I remained focus on the road to the wall. The wall could not be seen yet. It would be a long journey back. 

While marching forward, someone get into my line of sight. A white blurry image slowly came into view, into a figure, like the robe we had on our back. I squinted my eyes for a better sight, and my eyes widened.

It was a person.

I quickly galloped towards the person, leaving my squad behind calling me by surprised. I spare no glance and kept marching towards the person until I could distinguish it into a figure of a female, turning to look at me as I came closer. Her hair were white, yet she looked youthful. A white robe covered her from top to bottom, making me wonder where would she comes from. 

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