She was made to rule the waves

Start from the beginning

Prince Of Wales: Happy to see me love...?

She drew her sword out and Eugen activated her riggings as they both dropped to the ocean surface standing off as the other battled. Eugen rushed and lunged her riggings heads at Wales dodging them bites she strike her sword into on off the riggings mouth and gave it the good old twist sending it and Eugen face first down ward smack. Back with the other two Hood was just going at it swinging left and right and Bismarck struggled to keep up with blocking the hits she swung her second main turret at her Hood caught it using her pure strength she held her ground and even started to push it back Bismarck took the opportunity and smacked Hood in the stomach with her staff sending her flying back but she regain ground by sticking her sword into Bismarck deck. Bismarck then activated her rigging her ship breaking up into mental cubes Hood stick her landing as Bismarck's riggings assembled she fired her main guns at Hood  who is speed dodged out of the way. Back with the other ships Duke Of York was hammering it with Scharnhorst she was toying with her as Scharnhorst strike at her with her shark rigging.

Scharnhorst: GAAH Stay still for f*ck sake

Duke of York: Fufufufu...

Duke shot forward grabbing her by the stomach and pile drive her into the ground she then grabbed Scharnhorst's head she then bit down on her neck sucking her blood out.

Duke Of York: ahhh tastes so good..

Scharnhorst: GAAHHH back off!!

Everyone else was just getting destroyed by the Royal Navy Bismarck and Hood were exchanging shots with one another with Hood getting more hits thanks to her new fire control radar hitting her in many places nearly destroying all of her secondary armaments and quarter of her AA armaments coughing out blood Bismarck tired to keep her footing and standing up strait Eugen wanted to help her but Wales was seriously keeping her occupied not letting her go. No one else could help her as they were also being kept at bay by the other British ships. Her fire control damaged Bismarck could only guess where the shells could land and just lobbed shells at Hood with all just missing falling around her like the reaper she had become. Sheeting her sword she drew her two hidden blades Bismarck tried to give it one last shot.

Bismarck: DIE BITCH!!

She fired all she had left all the shells falling around Hood everything that was lost she fell onto her knees .

Prinz Eugen: HERR BISMARCK!!! NEIN!!!

Prince Of Wales: Come here princess{Grabbing her leg}

With everyone else occupied and with a small grin she jumped into the air using her cannons to rocket jump performing the leap of faith she dove down to finish the job but just before she was able to get the hit in Tarawa jumped in between them using her M4 to block the blades as the other Museum ships form a perimeter.

Tarawa: Okay that's enough you two {pushing Hood back}

Hood: This is between me and her SO STAY OUT OF MY WAY!!

In pure anger Hood drew her saber and without any warning she sliced off Tarawa's right arm "blood" flowing out of her veins


Texas then gave Hood the smacking treatment with her shotgun barrel.

Texas: BONK!! you got owned Brit! {Smashes Hood unconscious} 

Iowa: You okay Tarawa??

Tarawa: I'm good...

Tarawa: I'm good

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Iowa: Yeah... i think you can get patched up good...

Bismarck: Wait why is there metal in her arm???

Museum Ships: Oh yeah... about that.....

To be continued....

{Announcement: Okay fellas its Hobart here i just gonna say I'll probably continue this story for about... 9 more chapters then done but i'm also creating new stories in advance a total of three a Refit of my first Bang Dream story, A GuP Fanfic, and as i was inspired by Downneck's Acceleracers x AL story i decided to create my own Bandori Car story don't worry its not a copy its Bandori x The Crew/Initial D/Need For Speed/Formula 1.... well that's all for now  see y'all later mates...}

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