
Start from the beginning

    You shake your head and look him in the eyes. You know yours are glossy, but you don't care. You can't turn away your problems anymore. You need to do this. You take a deep breath, and let the stutter and haziness of your nervousness show.

    “It's ok….I’m ready now…” you say, looking over to Bakugou as if to tell him to open the door.

    And with the click of the door knob, all the voices on the other side stopped almost immediately. He swung the door open and there they were. All those eyes were on you. Nothing else. Only you, and your poor quivering form. 

    It was dead silent for a few moments before Mydoria said something.

“H-hey Y/n…. How are you feeling?” he said awkwardly, his eyes flickering over to his fellow classmates. 

    “I-...” you could feel yourself shaking, “I’m ok…”

“Y/n, are you really ok?” Denki asked, taking a step forward. Some of the others followed his actions and it almost seems like they were slowly beginning to close in on you.

    “Y-yes.. I’m fine.” you repeated. You swallowed trying to get the lump in your throat to go away. 

    “I heard that they gave you medicine that canceled your quirk for a while,” Jiro stated.

“Uh, yeah. I woke up in a panic because I wasn't able to activate it,” you said shyly and rubbed your arm, looking down to your knees and using your other hand to play with the material of the hospital gown that fell over your skin.

    “Yeah, did that shit ever wear off? Can you use your quirk again?” bakugo asked, with a curiosity behind his tone. You could see how stiff everyone got when he had mentioned your quirk. 

    You knew it. You had scared them. You will never get their trust back because of what you did. But what other choice did you have?! There’s no way you could’ve gotten out of there, with them letting you leave willingly. 

    “I-..” you looked up at him and then back down, “I’m not sure. I haven't tried to use it on anyone.” 

    “W-why did you use your quirk on Tokoyami, Y/n?” Ochoco asked. The room went silent and you could feel everyone's eyes on you as they waited for your response. 

    “I-I uh…” you took a deep breath, you could practically hear your heartbeat in your ears, and it felt like it was going to jump out of your chest.

    “Hey. don't overwhelm her! She is still recovering and stress is not good for overcoming any kind of confilcti-'' Iida started but he was interrupted.

    “Why didn't you just come talk to us?” Mina asked with a sad expression.

“We would have helped you overcome all of this, and we could have helped you out if you came sooner,” Momo starts.

    You could feel your breath quiver in your throat. Your eyes begin to wonder and flick all over the room. At all the eyes that had been burning through your core. 

    “I-I just didn’-'' you started. But you were interrupted once again.

“Do you know how damaging drugs are Y/n?” you heard another voice. And that comment made you feel hot and ashamed and embarrassed.

    “It’s not her fault! She was obviously peer pressured or something! Right, Y/n'' you look over to the voice but can't seem to place it or match it to a face. You were starting to shake and tremble. 

    “Guys give her some space!” Kirishima protested. But it didn't do anything, they kept talking over each other and they were getting louder and louder. They questioned why you didn't let them help you, why you ran away from your problems. About how unheroic your actions were. 

    “I didn't-” you start.

“Do you not trust us Y/n?” that was Hagakura’s voice.

    “You could have told us,” Mydoria said, looking at you with hurt eyes.

“How long has this been going on?” 

    “Did your mom know about this?”
“Don't bring up her mom!” 

    At this point they were starting to talk over each other. The sounds of all their voices started to become way too much. You needed it to be quiet. 

    “Why didn't you just ask for help!?” another voice almost yelled. And that made you snap. Your eyes welled with tears and threatened to fall. Your chest filled with an all to familiar feeling of discomfort and sickness. You felt like you were going to vomit. Like you were overheating and were going to sweat to death. You could feel your skin get hot, and the way the cool air of the hospital room made contact with your skin sent shivers down your spine.

Word count: 1422

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