𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

Start from the beginning

    The girl placed her feet on the cold wooden floorboards, her head spinning from the booze the night before, she tried to venture over to the bathroom to retrieve her blouse but before she could even take a full step she tripped over a large mass laying in the middle of the floor.

    Sirius Black

    The long-haired boy laid on the hard floor curled up in the fetal position, letting out soft snores as he slept contently. The blonde got up off her ass and back onto her feet, a hiss leaving her lips as her hand applied pressure to the part of her thigh that she bashed off of Alice's bedpost.

    She limped over to the bathroom sink where the shirt was laid out, a predominant coffee stain was displayed across the bust. She wrung out the remaining water that soaked the shirt and threw the shirt over her shoulder.
    Ella walked back over to the desk where she scribbled a short thank you and a small message for Effie before handing it back to Arlo who bowed her head at Ella's short words of praise, the bird flew away with the shirt and letter in her grasp.
    The blonde shut her window, taking in one last deep breath of the brisk September air, the cold making her lungs feel like they were filled with ice, a chill running down her spine before attempting to quietly shut her window.

    Ella sat back down on her bed looking to the floor at an unconscious Sirius.
    Her attention was then caught by Alice who now sat up in her bed laughing at the knocked-out boy, a sleepy smile on his face as he rolled over trying to get comfier, his arms covered in goosebumps from the cold breeze that was just filling the air.

    "Why is he in here," Ella asked looking at Alice who was trying to hold in her laughs, "actually better question how is he in here?"
    "He refused to go to bed unless you read him a bedtime story," Alice whispered.
    Ella shook her head, a grin pulling at her lips as she took her comforter and draped it over his shivering body. The two girls laughed while watching him snuggle into the blanket, trying to wrap it around his body to get warm.

    Her fingers combed through the tangles at the end of her hand and she looked at the mess of discarded party clothes on the floor, looking over to Alice who had smudged eyeliner and red lipstick all over her face.
    "Well, I'm gonna get up sort myself out and head down to the common room to go clean up the mess before any first or second years see," Ella said stretching as she made her way to the closet and picked out some fresh jeans and long sleeve tee.

    Alice soon followed after, a gasp of shock left her lips as she gave herself a proper look in the mirror, "I look a wreck" she giggled


    Ella trudged down the stairs dragging her feet as she looked at the aftermaths of what looked to be a rager, spilt drink all over the common room carpers and discarded cups and bottles littering the corners of the room.
    She looked down on the couch to see Peter sprawled out, a frown on his squished face as he let out loud breaths, "fucking Marauders, why can't they just sleep in their dorms" she whispered trying not to wake her brother up.
    She took a blanket from one of the arms chairs and tucked him in, he murmured a quiet 'thank you' as he rolled onto his other side and buried his face in one of the couch cushions.

    Alice soon entered the common room with a smile on her face to see Ella picking up the empty cups and garbage that were laid out on the floor.
    "I don't think I've ever seen you so productive in the morning" Alice smiled as she opened the curtains to the large picture window, welcoming the rays of the sun into the dinghy and booze-wrenched common room.

    She slowly worked her way over around the room, picking up the moving pictures that had been previously removed from the wall and putting them back in their respective spots.
    "I'm very sorry that your picture was moved sir-,"
    "yes I understand it caused you a fright-"
    "I will warn the boys to do better next time."

    Ella could overhear Alice trying to apologize to the paintings as she picked them up off the floor and put them back up on the wall.
    "Why are painting people always so cranky," Alice mumbled as she stood next to Ella who had a grin on her face.
    "Well the fun isn't over yet, there is more over there," Ella said laughing and pointing over to the far back of the room, pushing Alice in the correct direction as she let out a loud groan.

    "Ella, you haven't seen Sirius or your brother?" James called out from the top of the stairs of the house dorms, his voice still raspy with sleep.
    "I actually have, Peter is on the couch and Sirius is on the floor next to my bed," she said turning around to be faced with a freshly showered and shirtless James trying to wake up Peter.
    Her gaze slowly travelled from his face down to his toned shoulder and soon chest. It's not that she wanted to look, but she couldn't help herself, he looked as if the gods hand had sculpted him. You could very well tell that the Quidditch workouts and drills had been paying off.

    "Holy shit Potter! When did you get so fit?" Alice gasped from behind Ella startling her, her jaw dropped as she elbowed Ella in the ribs.
    "Alice Fortescue! You are an engaged woman cover your eyes" Ella said turning around and covering Alice's eyes. Blush now rose up Ella's cheeks, taunting her for admiring him.
    "Oh yeah, congrats on the engagement Fortescue" James flashed her a smile, his arms crossed over his abdomen to cover himself as Ella continued to cover Alice's eyes.

    Alice pried Ella's fingers from blocking her sight, a grin on her face as she turned to Ella who was now tomato red as she argued with James about the Marauders and their lack of being able to find their own respective beds.
    "James is it just me or does Ella look a little red?"
    "Awe Eleanor, you flatter me," James smirked and watched as the blonde went wide-eyed, her expression falling into a frown.
    "Piss off the lot of you, I'm warm from cleaning up everyone's mess" she ripped the blankets off of Peter to finally wake him up, "and don't flatter yourself, Potter, your mum is much more attractive" she smirked as Peter's eyes slowly opened to see the three bodies standing over him.

    Peter jumped off the couch onto his feet looked at James and then turned his attention to his sister who was quite obviously still checking James out.
    Peter reached his hand up to cover his sister's eyes to block her visions.
    "Put a shirt on Potter, I don't want to hear about how fit you are from my sister"
    "I actually think he looks rather rough early in the morning, does he happen to own a hairbrush," her classic frown find its place back on her face as she removed her brother's clammy hands from her face, "or am I gonna have to invest in one for him"
    "And Peter you reek of booze go brush your teeth," said finishing by smacking him in the back of the head and sending him off to his dorm.
    Alice and James laughed as they watched Peter's jaw drop, he began to tiredly waddle over to the stairs ad up the stairs to do as she told him.

    "Merlin, who pissed you off this morning?"
    "I haven't had coffee and I spent my morning cleaning up so we wouldn't get caught, I'm exhausted" she shrugged and picked the blanket, that she'd taken from Peter, up off the ground and folded it nicely, draping it over the arm of the sofa.
    "Now if you would like to follow me we can go and get Sirius up off my floor and out of my room," she said with a sweet smile and ushered for him to follow her up to the girl's dorms.

    James didn't make so much as a noise as he followed behold her, scared to fall victim to one of her brutal roastings.
    "Your mum sent me a letter about the stain on my top, thanks I guess," she whispered to him as they neared the top of the stairs.
    "No problem really, my mistake. Besides I did kinda want to live to see Christmas holidays," he said jokingly with a short shrugging making her laugh.
    "Speaking of Christmas, your lovely mother invited me to spend the holidays with you and the boys, I'm thinking of taking her up on the offer just to torment you during your relaxing break," she said with a smirk making his face drop. 

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