Dad's Living Legacy

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VNus P.O.V

Aech's Workshop

When we entered the workshop, the first thing I saw was the look on Art3mis's face when she asked, "The Iron Gaint!!! Where did you get it!?!", "He didn't get it. He's building it," I answered. Then Parzival took Arty to a desk piled up with Structural drawings and miniature sculptures. Then I realized that I was wearing the same thing this whole time. So with the absence of everyone, I changed my clothes. And I wore... {#3 dress and hairstyle}

Then I walked over to Aech's desk where everyone was starring at Parzival

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Then I walked over to Aech's desk where everyone was starring at Parzival. "Dude, why are you showing off my shit," Aech said but Parzival just ignored him and kept on with his craziness, "...Sulaco from Aliens and...". "Ok, you can stop now. You're giving a crazy impression," I said smiling. He grew nervous and I'm hundred percent sure I saw his cheeks turn crimson red. He stopped his craziness though. "Hi," said something from my screen. I opened it and there I see Daito pop up. "YOU CAN TALK TO DAITO!!" everyone (except me) screamed together. "Why not she's my GF," said Daito from the screen. "Hey!! You're not supposed to say that," I said. "oooh!" everyone (except me) nostalgically said. "Was it important to add that last bit?" I asked everyone.

After a lot of fuss, I finally got some privacy to talk to Daito.

Parzival P.O.V
"I can fix this in 10 mins," Aech said to Arty when she gave her bike to him. And Aech walks away to fix the bike, VNus went to talk to her BF, Daito. So, here it was only Z and Arty alone and private. I tried to strike up a conversation it worked.


[A= Art3mis, Z= Parzival H= Aech,N= VNus]

Z: Yup, He's pretty great. 

A: I assume you're in Shoulder Blades or clanned up. (walks over to the Iron Giant's Hand)

Z: (follows her) Oh Aech, Nah! I mean he is really good ... But I don't clan

A: (leans on the Iron Giant's Hand) Oh, 'cause you're Parzival ... as in the knight who found the Holy Grail himself.

Z: What about you Art3mis? Goddess of the hunt. Fans must be killing to sign you up.

A: Favourite Shooter?

Z: Excuse Me?

A: James Halliday's favorite 1st person shooter.

Z: What? Oh, the GoldenEye

A: Playing as...

Z: Oddjob. Is this a test?

(In the meantime VNus comes back and hearing Z and A, she walks over to H)

N: A pop quiz on Halliday I suppose?

H: Ohh! Don't mind that they've been going on for the past few minutes. 

N: Oh, Goodness


A: Favourite Game Variant? 

Z: Game variant, "Slappers only." No weapons.

A: I know what "slappers only" means. Racer?

Z: Turbo. And his favorite food was Hot Pockets. Favorite restaurant was Chuck E Cheese. Song was 'Video Killed The Radio Star' by the Buggles. Video 'Take on Me' by A-ha. Oh, oh... His favorite quote was from Superman. "Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story..."

A: (finishes for him) "...Others can read the ingredients on the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe."

Z: Lex Luthor (chuckles). Cool! (offers Art3mis high five but she refuses)

A: (continues walking) What would you do? If you won. The whole contest, I mean.

Z: (follows her again) Oh! I mean, I've got tons of plans in the real world. I'd... I'd move into a huge mansion, buy a bunch of cool shit, not be poor (Aech sees his heart rate at one-seventy-four beats per minute).

A: Now I know why you stopped short (Aech sees her heart rate at 57 beats per minute).

Z: I stopped because of Kong. No one ever makes it past Kong. That... That's... That's, like, a rule. (at this very moment VNus felt a rage, she knew that her dad hated making rules. and she needed to let them know)

A: Well, then you know it can't be true! Because...

N: (finishes for her) Because Halliday hated making rules. (Art3mis felt that at least someone is with her in this debate thingie)

Z: Look, I know what you mean but I can't afford to zero out!

A and N: (together) You're afraid to lose your shit!

Z: No, I'm not!

A: What happens when IOI offers you guaranteed coins for the keys to the kingdom? Nolan Sorrento takes over the world.

N: A real gunter would risk everything to save the OASIS from IOI.

Z: Who said that?

N: Me

H: There you go, good as new. (Aech to Art3mis)

A: Thanks for the fix-up, my man (Saying this she puts her bike in her inventory and touches Z's hair, and stops the swaying effect of his hair ).  That's better. I'll see you at the finish line... Mcfly. (Saying so she pixelates, red pixels)

N: Oh, see you soon. Bye!

H and Z: Bye!! (And she pixelates, black pixels)

H: That went well!

Z: Thanks to you, Captain Big mouth

Voices from Reality: Wade? Wade! Where the hell are my gloves?

Z: Shit. Got to go. Reality's callin'.

[AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter is named "Dad's Living Legacy" because, in this chapter, a pop quiz on Halliday (Jayne's Dad) is conducted. This is his living legacy. People know his favorites and else. This is the first chapter where most of the story was told from the P.O.V  of  Parzival and not from VNus's P.O.V  like the previous chapters]

Word Count: 957

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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