Time for execution!!!

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Third Person P.O.V 

They mixed and matched different people with Parzival. They found Art3mis and checked her DATA. Now, she wanted Z to meet Arty, but only 2 players wouldn't make a good team. They thought of including their clan and Aech. There they had a team of 6 players or so they thought. They still had to make a plan for Z to meet Arty. So, Jayne and Toshiro spend time planning and plotting, And they made an excellent plan which would work. She also became friends with Parzival to know more about his OASIS activities. Now, it's time to experience the plan's execution.

Parzival P.O.V

"Locate Aech," I said to my OASIS screen. "Aech located... Planet Doom," my screen spoke back to me. And then Aech's face appeared on my screen. "Sup, Aech," I greeted while checking my new hairstyle. "What's up Z?" Aech asked, "Nothing much, just headed to the racetrack." I said, "Will I see you there?" I asked while walking through the portal which leads to the race track. "Of Course you'll. See ya..," but before he could finish "VNus calling..." the screen spoke. "Why is VNus calling now? " but before I could answer her back, the call ended on its own. "Hey Z." I heard a big guy calling me, "Oh Aech," I said. "Saved you a spot." He said.


Jayne P.O.V

"Hey! Toshiro, look who it is," I said to him. "Oh, Hi Zhou." He said cheerfully. "Get ready you two we need to go to OASIS, remember." I reminded him. "Okay, Best of luck Jayne."


"Hey, To... I mean Daito, go to Planet Doom, and please don't forget to give me the reports." I said worried, "Why worry? Trust me, nothing will go wrong." He said while giving me an assuring smile. "Oh God, this is so tricky... Fine, I need to change into my biker suit, will talk later, Bye." I said [the last sentence is supposed to be read real fast] with this I changed into my biker suit.

{This Hairstyle and the biker outfit}

{This Hairstyle and the biker outfit}

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I reached the racetrack, sat in the corner, and hacked into Parzival's account

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I reached the racetrack, sat in the corner, and hacked into Parzival's account. For this, I gave him a call, if he rejected it by clicking the blue button, I wouldn't be able to access his account. "Now, only one thing left to do," I said and took some fuel from his DeLorean's fuel tank. After this, I did the same with Art3mis, but only after I changed my Gamer Tag to Linda. I reduced some of her fuel from her bike. Just then I heard someone say "Sixers, hurry up," I saw lots of sixers rushing for their cars. But then Parzival caught my attention (he did so being unaware) I started to follow Parzival. "C'mon! It's common sense. If you've less fuel in your tank, you end up at the very back." I whispered wanting him desperately to go at the back. And that's when I heard it "Thanks Aech, but I'm out of fuel. Need to go at the back." [Parzival said] I was just overjoyed, I hit the right target. Now, I started to think was Toshiro right? Was I really overreacting? "Nevermind," I tried to shoo the thoughts away and went to the end of the race track and removed my Rossana ZC at his right-hand side and wore my helmet

 Now, I started to think was Toshiro right? Was I really overreacting? "Nevermind," I tried to shoo the thoughts away and went to the end of the race track and removed my Rossana ZC at his right-hand side and wore my helmet

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I saw Art3mis near Parzival's DeLorean...

Parzival P.O.V

 'God just make me win this race today, Please god, Please.' I thought and prayed to god.

---[Green Light Glows]---

VNus P.O.V

The race started and everyone went for the front. I knew one could win the race by going backward. But, I wasn't allowed to do that as it would count as cheating. Why would it be cheating you may ask? Well, it's because being Halliday's daughter, I know how to win the egg. But why can't I just win the egg for myself? Umm, that's because Dad told me I should since he wanted not a player but a team of players to win this hunt.  So to win the race, I needed to make a group with someone. I choose Parzival and Art3mis for the work.

For a long time, I could hear the conversation between Parzival and Aech. After dodging the traps, I saw Parzival pointing at Art3mis. That caught my attention and I was just going to get smashed under a T-Rex foot. Because of this, I had a bewildered look on me for a while when Parzival's voice caught my attention, they were still talking"That gal' finally caught his attention," I said.

After this Aech started talking about the bike she owned. And then I heard it, "Forget the bike, forget the bike," Parzival said, "The rider, I think it's Art3mis. I've watched all her twitch streams and everything else," after hearing this I WAS OVERJOYED. My plan's finally hitting the target but it was happening the other way. I felt some nostalgic feeling when he told this. He has a crush on Samantha even if he's never seen her FACE-TO-FACE. Ok, this was not what I expected but either way, they were going to meet. I knew they were going to. Just then, "There comes the King Kong," I said. I stopped the ZC and then Z followed. I saw Art3mis, she was going non-stop so, I started yelling at her to put the break, "Stop, Stop, Stop, (to Parzival, worriedly) she's not going to make it." And then I see Parzival getting into action. He leaps in front of her bike and gets ahold of her. Both of them start rolling on the track ["Oh Shit," comes out of my mouth, out of shock]. I see King Kong's angry face while he crushes Art3mis's bike. "OOh, that was my favourite one," she said. Parzival gets up and helps Arty to get up as well. Parzival started to talk to Arty very nervously. The feeling I had in me this very moment was indescribable, but I couldn't let them know, so I tried to maintain a poker face. 

After some talking they finally asked for me, "By the way, Can I know who you are?" Art3mis asked. Parzival replayed  "She's VNus. [to me] Hey you look different and I've never seen you in the race before. It's my first ..." but before I could finish, "Your bike looks a bit broken, {With this I looked at my bike, some part of it were broken} my friend Aech can fix it. You see he's a mechanic. He can fix your bikes in no time." he said. "Are you sure he can fix these ?" Arty asked him. "Yes, Of Course." he gave an assuring smile. Arty looked at belief. Some trust was building up here.

This is the end of this chapter. Thanks for reading. Have fun.

Word Count: 1,208words

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